View Full Version : Hi everyone, very glad to be here.

19-08-09, 17:34
Hi, I'm Richard. I'm 34 and have been having panic attacks for more than 10 years now, I'm emetophobic, and found out last year that I have Dyspraxia.

I only found out about this forum a couple of days ago and I've been impressed with what I've seen, at the moment I'm doing well, getting plenty of exercise, eating properly and studying.

I hope I can support others here any way I can.

Thanks. :hugs:

19-08-09, 19:26
Hi Rich,
Welcome to the site....there's lots of support.

19-08-09, 21:13
Thanks Kittyk. :)

19-08-09, 21:19
hi nice to meetyou this is a great site it ,helps to know we are not alone:hugs:

19-08-09, 21:43
Thanks, it's good to meet you too, nice to know there are other people who understand. :hugs:

19-08-09, 22:48
hi rich i only found this site yesterday and already its helping to talk to others who suffer the same or similar problems

20-08-09, 13:00
Hi Sam, glad to here the site is helping.

20-08-09, 18:02
Hi Rich,

Welcome, its reassuring to realise you're not alone isn't it?

How does your dyspraxia affect you day to day? I'm asking because my 21 year old son also has it but he was diagnosed when he was 7yo.

I bet you went through hell at school with it not being diagnosed!

Take care :)

20-08-09, 19:50
Hi Sue, at Primary and junior school it wasn't a problem, but senior school, yes that was a horrible time at least until I was 16 and I got a lot better coping with it, before then I had to endure a lot of bullying.

Being aware of it now helps a lot, how does your son cope, I know people with dyspraxia often have different problems to different degrees.

Take care. :)

20-08-09, 22:38
Hi Rich,

Yes, they do say its a condition that you learn to cope with as you get older, so thats a bonus I guess.

The main symptom I guess he suffers from now is his inability to follow any lengthy instruction. I mean, if I ask him to do a series of chores, I have to write them down or by the time he's finished the first he'll have forgotten the others! Sure he uses that to his advantage sometimes though lol

The other main one is balance (he still cant ride a bike) and spacial awareness, so he bumps into things a fair bit.

Its such a shame you werent diagnosed sooner. Does it still affect you day to day?

Take care

21-08-09, 09:20
It can vary how it affects me day to day, I do bump into things, but I can ride a bike and drive a care no problem, I'm the same with lengthy instructions though.

It does get a bit easier with age and his having an early diagnosis I hope would make it better for him. :)

Take care.

Veronica H
21-08-09, 10:10
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly place with great advice and support. What you studying?


21-08-09, 11:28
Hi Veronica, I'm studying Podiatry (foot care).

21-08-09, 22:34
Hi Rich :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



21-08-09, 23:37
Thanks Jill, liking it here already. x

:hugs: :)

21-08-09, 23:49
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Its good to hear your liking it hear, mind you, there ALL such lovely people. Don't forget the chat room, talk all night if you like, Mmm mind you, that would not be a good thing, we all need the right amount of sleep and a good routine. I don't use chat myself, been here along time and think I have been in it twice, but heard good things about it.

I do hope you get out of this site what I have and that is, feeling better.

You take care

wishing you well