View Full Version : looking for some answers?

19-08-09, 18:13
hiya my name is rob and im 34 and married with 3 girls- i believe i maybe suffering with health anxiety - i constantly worry that i am dying and i get funny feelings when i awake - mainly i can feel my heart/pulse i get a few seconds where i think everything is fine then it all comes over me once i start to feel these i get really panicky and upset i also notice it when i do something like ie going upstairs, lying down etc
i also sometimes feel like i cant breath properly and that i am having to breath heavily almost as though im not getting enough each time i take a breath
the otherthing i get is funny feelings in my arms almost like they are heavy or like i have slept on them all night
and finally some nights i wake / or get up in the morning and i am dripping with sweat
i have suffered like this for about the last 8 months and im really tired of feeling like it i am on medication for anxiety/depression but still get the above which also worries me
i would really appreciate it somone could let me know they have similar so i dont feel so alone!!
it feels like on waiting around for something to happen
many thanks

19-08-09, 18:19
please dont worry ,sometime ago everything you have said i had same symptoms,, it the adrenaline racing around your body that's why you sweat,, i bought a fan have it on all night i found it helps a lot,,your not alone many people on this site have same symptom's even if they are on meds,hope you can relax,plus is something worrying you

19-08-09, 18:25
hiya the only thing im worrying about almost constantly is that i dont feel very and that im tired of it otherthan that i dont have any extra worries than i normally have

19-08-09, 23:20

Iv been waking in morning drenched to! I got really scared, thought i had something serious. Dr said its my anxiety.

I to have the worry about dying and few months ago i had cbt, it helped alot.

mandie x