View Full Version : hi everyone

19-08-09, 20:08
hi, my name is Tina. i have been trying to deal with anxiety and panic for nearly a year now. its hard to find ppl who understand, im so pleased i found this site x

Carla louise
19-08-09, 20:22
Hi Tina:welcome: , you will meet lots of good friends on here who will help and support you, its great to be able to talk to ppl who understand xx

Veronica H
19-08-09, 20:25
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


20-08-09, 13:03
:welcome: Tina, glad you found this site, there's lots of good advice on here, I hope it helps you get better. :hugs:

20-08-09, 19:18
Welcome to NMP Tina - you'll get a lot of support, advice and tips for coping here from people who really understand!!!
Take care - you will get better.