View Full Version : sicky, feeling off???

19-08-09, 22:17
hi all, i just wondered if anybody else just ever comes over weird, and in weird i mean, just not feeling quite right within them selves, and just feel sick? for the last few days ive actually been really happy and content and feeling very positive. But last night i came over with a sicky feeling then felt off, passed after about an hour, came back just before i went to bed, passed again before i fell asleep, then its been on and off all day. is it just anxiety playing tricks with me again???? thank you for any replies, Debs xx

19-08-09, 22:20
all the time !!! specially in this hot weather, think the heat makes me feel a little sickly then the HA kicks in big time as to the cause of the sickliness which then brings on heaps on anxiety symptoms one of which is feeling "not quite right" or a bit out of it ..... :-( anxiety sucks !!!!