View Full Version : can't cope anymore

07-10-05, 17:37
hi guys, I went to all my classes this week but now it's friday and i have to go to work the panic is starting, it only happens on friday nights and i just don't feel i can cope with it anymore, i'm so sick and tierd of having these feelings with me almost constantly. Sorry for moaning, i know you all have yourown probs but i just feel so down and ashamed of myself. My parents have been great but i'm sure they're sick of me crying like an idiot everytime i'm going somewhere

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

07-10-05, 17:45
Hang in there! You are doing great! Pat yourself on the back for going to all of your classes!! That is awesome!!
Yes, we all have our own problems, but Rois, yours are the same as ours!! We are all in this together with you!!!!
Don't feel bad about crying to your parents, I have done the same on numerous occasions. Problem is they just don't know what to do for me! You keep posting and letting us know what is going on.. okay?
Thinking of you and hoping that this Friday is going to turn out waaay better than you expected!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

07-10-05, 17:55
Hey Rois,

Well done for going to all of your classes. You are doing well, just try going to work, and hopefully it might keep your mind busy.

Never feel ashamed of yourself, if it was that easy to get over it, we all would of by now! Hang on in there,a nd i am sure your parents are no where near sick of you crying. They probably feel a little helpless too.

Take care, and I hope work goes ok,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

07-10-05, 18:10
Hi Rois,
Sorry you feel so bad, please don't feel ashamed of yourself, you have done really well this week, you have attended all your classes, which is brilliant. Your parents will definately not be sick of you, i am a parent to 4 and i can guarantee you, us parents have unconditional love for our children, they are there to help you and to get you through this rough time, take things slowly and keep in touch.

07-10-05, 19:02
Hey Rois (lovely name that by the way!),

Firstly, Don't even apologise for typing on here!!!!

Secondly, well done you for going to all your classes, try not to think about work too much!

Remember, most people work to live, not live to work!!!!

Seriously hun, keep at it, and keep that chin up!

p.s sorry if you have already left for work! my timing as usual is great!

08-10-05, 00:47
hi guys, just in from work. Well after i posted i cudn't stop crying so had to go speak to my parents again, my dad has been thru all this but i can't remember it, anyway he said i just have to get out and try and to start thinking about myself instead of others. They're really great but they also feel helpless as they know they can't beat this for me, i have to do it myself. Work was ok even though i felt icky for the first 2 hours but i've got some good friends there and it was busy so i felt occupied. Have to get up and do the same thing 2moro but i'll try to get thru it. Thanx once again for all the positive thoughts and comments.

p.s looby it's short for roisin, thanx for the compliment [8D]

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

08-10-05, 04:31
Well done for going Rois. It is great that your parents are so understanding and supportive, as well as your friends at work.

It is true that only you can do this but support helps and it is not about taking giant leapsm, but tiny steps at a time. You are doing fine.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-10-05, 10:47
Well Done Rois!!

You did amazing!. I was the same on thursday crying about going to work, unfortunatley I didnt make it in-but I was back in there Friday even tho I felt like Poo!!.

Well done you!:D:D


08-10-05, 11:34
Well done for going anyway. You will get through it again today. It is good your parents are supportive, no they can' get through it for you but just knowing you ca rely on them will help.

Hope you have a lovely day, sending you lots of positive thoughts!!

Tammy x

08-10-05, 14:02
Hi Rois...... and Kirgray too,

Don't worry about the crying and making it in or not in to work - just keep plodding on, you're both doing well.

The crying is good as you are releasing that tension and what you can't face one day you may be can the next. One day at time, being kind to yourselves along the way.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-10-05, 11:50
well i managed thru work yesterday and even made it to a friends party last night, there were only a few of us there so it was good (i didn't think id have done it). then i got home and had an arguement with my boyf (he was drunk, i was sober) he walked out and i sent him a txt to tell him he was childish and immature and that i had probs that he wasn't being very supportive about, he wrote back to say i'd need to sort them out myself cos he's sick of it (i wouldn't mind but i only really explained to him what was wrong with me last week) so i wrote back and told him that i've put up with a lot from him but i'm glad i know his true feelings which only came out cos he was drunk. Overall a good weekend i'm just angry with him and heaven help him when i see him

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

10-10-05, 15:08

Well done for even more achievements since you posted this , going to work plus going out plus sorting out Bf. Ypours in mainly anticipatory anxiety as once you're there and intsalled you do fine.. try to shift some of the whats if's that are helping you dread it each time

Kirsty- yours was a quick blip. You've been doing so well.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-10-05, 16:02
I'm sure everyone on here feels this way sometimes i know i do. But it always ends, sometimes fast and other times it takes longer but it does always go. You can do this!

Emma x x