View Full Version : Hi ... newbie here.

20-08-09, 12:07
Hello everyone. I only just discovered this site and I've spent about the last 2 hours reading ... already a lousy day is feeling a little bit less lousy, just reading people's personal experiences. I'm 28, recurring depression and anxiety since my early teens. For the last 3 or 4 years, health anxiety has been making my life miserable. It's got to the stage where I'm torn between "oh my god, I just know I have something terminal" and "what does it matter, I'm going to die anyway". The internal monologue is driving me to absolute distraction! I have a very frustrating relationship with my GP and almost no contact with local mental health services ... so I'm really glad to have found this place because the old adage is true, knowing you're not the only one going through something really does help. Sorry for the 'me me me' ramble ... I actually only meant to say 'hi' ... :blush:

20-08-09, 19:26
Welcome to NMP Tina - you'll get a lot of support, advice and tips for coping here from other people who really understand!!! There are a lot more people who suffer than we think - statistics show that 80+% suffer from some sort of mental health problem - depression, stress, anxiety etc.... Have just had my 6th & last counselling session and the counsellor said that when these worries come to visualise a 'stop' sign and do that....Distract yourself - it's only the power of thoughts and if you think of the damage that negative thoughts do to us just imagine how good positive thoughts can make you feel. I look in the mirror every morning and say ' hello Chantelle, it's great to be alive.' I then repeat this every time I pass a mirror or while in the car - it keeps you feeling good.
Take care - you will get better.

Veronica H
21-08-09, 10:32
:welcome: to NMP. this is a very supportive place.


21-08-09, 11:40
Hi Twinkle,

im still left with remnants of Health anx, i know you have been reading a lot on here but please take a moment to read what i wrote:


If it helps you in anyway my job is done,

keep fighting the good fight,


21-08-09, 22:26
Hi Twinkle :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you, I would normally say, please take time to read through this great site but you have spent 2 hours reading :ohmy: shocked but not shocked really when I first joined many, many moons ago I spent all night reading LOL.

I do hope you have checked out the info on the left hand side, first steps, how to cope and all other info there.



28-08-09, 13:18
Hi Twinkle,

im still left with remnants of Health anx, i know you have been reading a lot on here...

Cons, thanks for pointing me to your excellent post. Good sense all of it. If I ever get up the courage to change to a GP who listens I'm going to try the first part as a priority. :)

28-08-09, 13:21
[quote=jill;540897]Hi Twinkle :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you, I would normally say, please take time to read through this great site but you have spent 2 hours reading :ohmy: shocked but not shocked really when I first joined many, many moons ago I spent all night reading LOL. .../quote]

Thanks Jill :)
Haha, I'm slowly reading through a bit at a time! In a bit less of a panic this time, too. :yesyes: