View Full Version : I Hate It !!!!!!!!!!1

08-10-05, 05:14
I have been feeling pretty good most days BUT this evening as I was getting ready (we were having company) my left foot started to get like pins and needles. I just tried to ignore it but I couldn't ...Than I started to feel it in my left pinkie.
Than it started up my whole left leg. I just hate that this happens out of no where.
What causes this? Just out of the blue? Now my left leg is hurting and feels very sore. I am home alone tonight (hubby working 3rd shift) and that just makes matters worse for me. I hate feeling this way when I am alone :(

I just want this feeling to GO WAY! I am so afraid there is "something" really wrong with me. I just can't get it out of my mind.



08-10-05, 05:47
I get pins and needles on and off.
Are you still on Cipralex? If not are you on anything

Don't believe everything you think.

08-10-05, 07:45

i also get pins and needles i get it in my right hand and into my right forearm i get it in my pinkie finger and the one next to it it happened to me lastnight while eaiting for a taxi at the local hospital where i had been visiting the mother - in -law

i think its all down to anxiety and would try not to worry

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

09-10-05, 14:56
[quote]I get pins and needles on and off.
Are you still on Cipralex? If not are you on anything

No, i am taking Lexapro it's been about 4 weeks now


09-10-05, 20:52
I think there is a sticky topic about pins and needles somewhere so you are definitely not alone!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

10-10-05, 14:59
Usually some good vigorous movement helps this.

Pins and Needles & Tingling (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1982)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-10-05, 02:32
Hi Terri
Cipralex is the UK name. Here in Australia we call it Lexapro.
My symtoms have got a lot better since upping the dose to 10mg
Mail me anytime

Don't believe everything you think.

29-09-08, 18:12
I used to get this in my left leg when my anxiety was at its worse. Only I panicked so much it felt like it travelled the whole way up my left side to my arm and left side of my face! I thought I'd had a stroke and was taken to hosiptal, got checked out and there was no stroke jus anxiety, apparently its very common. Sometimes my legs would tingle and then go completely numb, once my mum had to help me out of the bath (very distressing & embarrassing) and yes when I was alone in the house it would be worse, my parents would come home and I'd feel much better and the tingling would gradually go away. So dont worry about being alone when it happens, remind yourself its jus anxiety and try distraction, it worked for me. good luck xx

29-09-08, 18:52
i too get this for no reason and can somtimes be my trigger
i get it in my leg arm and face and was told by my phcotheropist
that this happens because when we are anxious our blood rushes to all our main organs and it causes these feelings not to sure how true this is
but since bein told this its calmed me down alot
well apart from today when i am having ther worst pa ever


30-09-08, 06:06
I get it too, and a lot on one side. Anxiety does some wonderful things doesn't it:shrug: lol.