View Full Version : Flu

08-10-05, 11:37
Hi everyone
Im being my usual worried self and im feeling miserable.
I have the flu.boo
I have the aches,blocked sinuses ,streaming eyes,tickly throat etc etc.
Not unusual,i know.But of course i am worried because i have this flippin "benign" heart murmur that i will end up with an infection in my heart,then heart failure.
Also it feels like something is sitting on my chest and my breathing isnt right,i worry about that too,what causes it?Its not anxiety,its def related to this virus or whatever.
Sorry for being pathetic,i am hoping Meg or someone that knows more than me will tell me what to look out for
Thank you
Hunny x

08-10-05, 14:07
Hi Hunny

You poor thing chuck, flu is the worst!!. I had it the other week-keep wrapped up lots of lemsips!.

Good excuse to put your feet up!. Im sure the chest thing is anxiety related I have a similar feeling to you like something is sat on my chest,and with starting my beta blockers its got worse coz am convinced the beta blockers are going to make my heart stop LOL god am such a worry wort!!


09-10-05, 10:47
Im finding this really hard to deal with.I dont want to die and leave my children[V]
Hunny x

09-10-05, 15:35
Hi Hunny,
You won't die Hunny, (you have a good few years left yet mate) it's just this horrible anxiety takes over our minds, we shouldn't let it, of course, but it is very powerful. The 'average' person with flu, would wrap up warm, lots of hot drinks etc...but us, oh no way, we convince ourselves it will turn into something that probably doesn't even exist. I am no medical expert, as you know, but i am almost certain that by having flu, it will not damage your heart, it will not lead to any heart disease etc..someone qualified will be along shortly, please try to relax (if only eh?) speak soon. xxxxxxxxx

10-10-05, 19:40
I just have this feeling thats overwhelming me thats saying im gonna die,its hard to explain,ive had scary thoughts before but this is more a feeling.
Im terrified my heart murmur has got worse,or will be made worse by this flu[V]
Hunny x

10-10-05, 21:26
Hi Hunny,
Sorry you are still feeling so awful, when you have this horrible flu bug, it makes you feel bad, then add a little bit of anxiety/panic/, dizziness, and wham, the mind starts working overtime, i am exactly the same (alongside many others here i think) you will not die hunny, i really understand what you are saying, this awful fear feeling comes over you, i used to get this, i wanted to run from the house (not funny when most of the time i couldn't get out of the door) you are at your lowest ebb right now, when bedtime comes, hot drinks, warm bath, all the old fashioned things, if you can't sleep, lots of dvd's/videos you will feel a little better in a few days, give your body a chance to get better slowly, gosh i do lecture don't i? You are not on your own with any of these feelings, take care and please keep in touch xxxxxxxxx

10-10-05, 21:49
I don't think your current upper respiratory tract infection will affect your heart . You probably will have had them before whilst already having the murmur and there was no effect.

If the medics were worried about the possibility , you will be on antibiotic cover already.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-10-05, 23:03
I had something similar the month before the murmur was found.The Drs dont seem to be worried about the murmur at all,thinking instead that the turbulance is within satisfactory limits.My heartrate was a bit fast though
The cardiologist said that i had a slight thickening of the aeortic cusp,i cant get it out of my head

Hunny x

11-10-05, 18:05
My chest feels really restricted and my heart is so erratic.Why cant i just be NORMAL!!!!


13-10-05, 12:05
Hope you're feeling better now Hunny.