View Full Version : claustrophobia and panic attacks

20-08-09, 17:01
Hi All,

I live in London, and can;t go on the tube as I have panic attacks - is there anyone else out there that is limited in this way? I have always avoided lifts - I'm okay with that. But going on the tube really sets me off....any helpful hints?

Hope everyone is doing alright! :)

debsy do
29-08-09, 09:15
Hi , yes i am the same , wherever i need to go in london i just get the train to baker street (all overground) then get buses(takes for ever). My daughter is the same (dont know if that is learned behaviour or genetic,) but i met my dad for the first time when i was 35 and found he also did not like lifts or tube. I even climbed every step up the eiffel tower rather than go in the lift. Just cant do it , i am so jealous of all the millions of people that seem to do these two things so effortlessly. anyway i am afraid that i dont have any helpful hints but would also welcome them , how are you with flying?

31-08-09, 18:38
Well, I used to have that same fear of the subway (and any kind of public transport) and here in Mexico they can be so crowded mostly in the mornings when we are like sardines, and something than helped me is to think that they are only sensations, they can harm me and do some breathing exercises.

Then I came to the conclusion that if I keep dreading going into a transport, the fear was going to grow so I stoped caring about it...it feel awful the first time but with time it becomes less and less awful until you stop being afraid of it...is more easier said than done but that´s how I overcame that fear.

I hope this advise helps you, and remember, never let the fear control you...