View Full Version : THE MEMORY OF PANIC

08-10-05, 11:41
After a very stressfull week yest i went to school and back and took a horrible panic attack.
Now today ive woke and i find the panics are back in my mind again!
I feel breathless like my breathing has no rythym.

Its amazing how the brain holds on to this information and I presume we must file this event in our subconcious mind.
This gets me wondering where do people who "dont" get panic attacks file an uncomfortable situation? Or do they simply not file it at all ?

I know this all sounds a little deep but i need to know where i am going wrong.


08-10-05, 12:03
When it come to anxiety it is more a matter of our brain and body over reacting to a situtaion setting off a fright flight flight reaction with in us and then anxiety feed's on it's self and before we know it the fear has become a automatic responce to us and it take's us far longer to reprogram our brain to realise that what we are reacting to is not a really a dangerous thing at all and we dont have to react to the situation at all.

We all have auto matic thought and we need to avoid to creating more by talking postive and about fact's to our self. The more we positive we are to our self's the easier it will be to change our automatic thought's. It can still take a while to change our automatic thought's.

When our body has a reaction to situtation then our brain often connect's the reaction to the situation and it left up to us to reason with our self in order to prevent that connection from becomeing and auto matic thought with an automatic reaction. If we all ready have lost control and the reaction and thought are already automatic then we can change it but it will take time. To over come anxiety we have to avoid creating new fear's and over come the one's we have already at the same time. if we dont then the cycle keep's on going round.

I hope this made some sence to you.

08-10-05, 13:47
I think everyone has 'cringe' moments in life....

It's important not to learn to associate things with panic. So try and relax in school and not think about it or ride out the panics till they subside.

Not easy i know!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

08-10-05, 13:51
Hi Mirry,
sorry you are feeling bad at the moment, it will pass, as it usually does, but the thoughts linger on a long time after. I can't answer your question, but just to let you know i feel the same, i don't venture out very much anymore, and to be honest i can't remember why? i know i am scared of panicking/going dizzy, but my mind has now convinced myself i'm safer at home, sorry if none of this makes sense. xxx

08-10-05, 14:02
You may find this hard to believe now, but as somebody in "remission" I can assure you that as you get better, the memories do fade.

Try to divert your mind in some way (easier said than done I know). I carry a book with me everywhere (any book, so long as I found it interesting), and when I was having a "moment" I would try to read so that I didn't think too much about what my body was doing.

Eventually as you work through your pa's the symptoms will lessen, and the memories do fade.


Nemesis - Rita QofS I JFDI'd THEM!!!!!!

08-10-05, 14:51
Once you start to have good days you file the bad ones away and lock them there!

Then they will stay there for as long as you can make them.

There is a post on here somewhere about how the brain works so I will see if I can dig it out for you. I found it very interesting so you may like to read it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-10-05, 15:00
Here you go ...

good read links physical and emotional (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=740)


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-10-05, 15:17
Thanks for link, I am going to work on this.
Carlin I know what you mean about not venturing out too much, as i also get panic/dizzy. Please do keep trying as you must not give up on yourself.I have bad days and good but i always try to stay positive (not easy) if i have a bad day i no longer beat myself up about it but it can be very dissapointing.

Lottie how long have you been in remission?
mum2four, you made perfect sence to me.


08-10-05, 17:03
Thanks for posting that Nic!! Great article... I'm bookmarking it to go back for another read!! EXCELLENT!!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)