View Full Version : Breath Holding?

20-08-09, 19:22

Right, I'm rubbish at putting stuff into words, so bear with me:

Just lately I've noticed that I get a sensation that I've not taken a breath for a while. This always happens after I've exhaled, then I notice an 'empty' feeling in my chest (like when you hold your breath for 30 seconds or so). When I become aware of it, I take a deep breath, then get paranoid about my breathing until I find somwthing better to do.

Now, I can accept the usual symptoms of stress/anxiety (tight chest, shallow breathing, etc), but I've not heard of this as part of the 'classic symptoms'. I think it's this breath holding that's actually causing the anxiety. Also, it seems to be happening more regularily. Anxiety of fatal illness?

Has anyone had any experience/heard about this?

Thanks for reading

20-08-09, 22:07
i do the same sometimes im doing something, washing up, or even walking and realise i have been holding my breath i think its one of the classic symptoms, im doing now as i type

20-08-09, 22:30
Hello Towser, i definately have this symptom, very often...especially when im tryin to sleep. Dont worry its NOT serious illness, definately the anxiety. I find once i realise i 'miss' a breath...i cant help but concentrate on my breathing which leads me to in a way control my breathing ...which makes me more anxious as i feel im having to force myself to breathe because if i dont then i will stop breathing....it scares me as i feel when i sleep i wont wake up because i would have stopped breathing....but dont worry its another horrible symptom. What i found has helped is distraction, listen to music and sing your heart out outloud rather than read a book as u are still aware of your breathing, if you do something which involves using your voice or moving your body in some it eventually goes away and ur breathing back to normal without noticing it anymore, Hope this helps. Im no good with words either so sorry if it makes no sense,
Good luck with it all :) xxx

21-08-09, 08:10
Hi there,

Even i just felt the same now,30 minutes ago as if I misses a breath and Im very anxious with this. My chest felt strange. Im very scared to go to the DOc. Any help would be nice:0


01-09-09, 15:02
Thanks for the replies guys.

Leanne, I could have written that post myself. That's exactly what I'm like. Thanks for the advice.

The problem is, I think it might be anxiety, but I can't help thinking it's something like a neuromuscular disease (however small the chances are), or something similarly fatal

01-09-09, 15:13
Ive experienced that exactly! It's mad isnt it how we all get the same stuff!

Ease's my mind alot.