View Full Version : cant cope today

08-10-05, 11:54
sorry to moan but iam having such a bad day . irrational thoughts going round my head ive just taken my first dose of cipralex and thats is freaking me out . i feel like iam going mad.just want the thoughts to go away[xx(]

08-10-05, 11:58
Hi Mazz,
Try to keep yourself busy, it will take your mind off of the irrational thoughts that are going around in your head, its because we think to much that we get these thoughts.
Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

08-10-05, 12:00
i know but i cant motovate my self to do anything.

08-10-05, 13:27
Hey Mazz,

Why not just try watching a good dvd/video?

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

08-10-05, 13:35
Hey Mazz,

Sorry today isn't so good for you. Maybe as others say watch the box/dvd or come into chat later if you find that helps.
Its very hard going when you can't motivate yourself, I do appreciate that and have been there, just try some distractions to help even putting on some favourite music on headphones and sitting listening to that can help!

Take care and maybe see you in chat

Sax xx[8D]

08-10-05, 13:44
Hi Mazz,

I kinda know the feeling...just try and keep doing things...don't take the medication and just give up.

Hope u r feeling better now.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

08-10-05, 14:00
Hi Mazz

Feel the same as u!. Have just started takin beta blockers and am worried about my heart rate!!. Am trying to do things but just feel soooo drained!. Am gona put feet up later tho and try and relax!

Hope your day gets better :D

Kirst X

08-10-05, 14:23
Hiya oldie!!! ;)

Why not get a good chick flick to watch with a box of chocolates.

Keep your chin up hun

08-10-05, 15:05
Hi Mazz,

Aw, hope you are feeling better today.
I got the full force anxiety too, when I started and then each time I upped my dosage (I'm on citalopram).
I went from 10mg to 40mg, upped by 10mg each time over a few months. It passes after a few days. It is very difficult in the first week or two of meds so don't be too hard on yourself, how you feel is NOT nice but it's perfectly normal when you start meds. Take care,

Holly xxx

08-10-05, 15:11

I'm so sorry that you are feeling down today! I woke up analysing my whole body this morning! It's an awfl feeling... but a everyone has said, distraction is the best thing! :)

The thing that works for me, and that has worked for me this morning...is .. making myself look good today! :)I know it may sound absolutely stupid, but I decided to wax my legs, pluck my eyebrows, shave my arm-pits, put a face-mask on, do my toe and hand nails,put some funky nailvarnish on... everything.. the whole lot.. just to makemyself look all nice an d pretty. I think it works for both men and women, just maybe using different things ! :)

Even if you don't go out and do anything (which I am not planning n doing); it will just make you feel much nicer and hhopeful ythat will make oyu feel psychologicaly a little more positive! :) Oh.. and did I foregt to mention teh cucumber on your eyes! :)

Hope you have a better rest of the day! :)

08-10-05, 17:50
thanks everyone hopefully tommorow will be better

08-10-05, 19:08
hi mazz, i know how you're feeling at the mo, i've been feeling the same and i've to force myself to go to my mates party 2nite[Sigh...] since it's such a bad nite (weather wise) get your pj's on, get a load of munchies and watch a good dvd curled up in front of the fire! or pamper yourself this evening, or both. Hope you feel better soon

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."