View Full Version : Feeling like jelly

20-08-09, 20:21
All day my whole body has felt like jelly. my legs feel like giving way, my stomach feels all weird my arms feel really weak and all funny like jelly.

Completely fed up of this. I need to go out in a minute and I just feel so weak and think I will collapse.

It feels as if I have been radiated with harmful radiation rays all day (not that I know what that would feel like lol but I suppose this is how it would feel). I just feel like collapsing into a ball.


Feel sick and now Im having a panic attack. I dont have suicide thoughts but some days I really do think, what is the point of everything if Im just living like this for the rest of my life :weep::mad:

21-08-09, 10:01
I know how you feel. I was like that yesterday and had to go out in afternoon. Just about made it but was sure I was going to collapse in street. Legs felt numb and no strength. Luckily my sister gave me a lift home. Have to go out soon and am dreading it because of yesterday. Also feel same as you about what's the point. Having such a bad week apart from monday and tuesday which were a little better. Can't cope. It's awful isn't it? I'm so sorry you feel this way too. I havn't really helped you I know, hope I havn't made things worse. Just wanted you to know I understand.x

Sarah Virginia
21-08-09, 10:22
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling too good today. If it is any consolation I was put on Lustral anti depressants last Saturday. I take them at night time and everynight since then I have woken up sweating and shaking for hours. The only thing that helps is taking a tranquilizer. Been to the Doc and he says the symptoms will pass soon - but how soon cos I am feeling exhausted and wanting to give up. Work being horrible about it which doesn't help. But it will get better just like you will feel better soon. just keep on going - be strong.

21-08-09, 14:10
Hey MOJO, Dont worry you didnt make me feel worse ha. Its always nice to know other people feel the same. Not in a bad way like lol, I mean it in the way Im not alone with my feelings etc.
Hope it went well for you when you had to go out.

And thanks for the kind words Sarah. I feel a bit better today, still not myself though. It cant be nice with your work not understanding. Hope all goes well for you,