View Full Version : Huge doubts about going to Uni

20-08-09, 20:34
I have gone from 100% up for it to this week having loads of un nice thoughts about going. I think its down to the bad week I have had, Last week I had a great week and to be knocked back like this may be the cause.

I feel sick everytime I think about going away at the moment. Especailly becuase I already put off going last year and had to cancel everything. I cant do that again, I think my parents would properly loose faith in me if I did that, They werent happy last time (They dont understand my condition with panic and anxiety at all, Have tried talking to them about it).

2 days this week I have awoken from sleep feeling really sick, sweating, and pains in my chest. Now Im thinking, what if I get like this when I am away? I couldnt cope!

Also I had an information pack today from my Uni, included in a part of this pack was advice telling me to get vaccinated against Meninjitus (Spelling?). I am bad enough when it comes to having a blood test, but to be vaccinated with something especially after an incident in school after TB injections where I almost fainted (worst I have ever felt & closest I have ever come to fainting) I dont think I can go through that again. I start panicking thinking 'they have injected me with some chemical/drug' I dont like that at all. I cant take medication.

This has really put me off, I neevr heard of having to get vaccinated before going to uni untill this. Have any of you had to have it? What if I dont have it done?

I really dont know where my head is at the moment with it all. Im so confused. Deep down I really want to go, New friends, No more negative living in this house, A new start. But theres still the buts and ifs :weep:

20-08-09, 21:54
Hello :) Im a university student, and about to go into my 3rd year which is very daunting! fortunately for me i didnt suffer from panic attacks before uni, instead they started just b4 my exam period 4 months ago and during a stressful time with my dissertation. I totally understand the anxeity issues as im constantly struggling with them myself, but i find that when im with people and interacting the symptoms begin to fade away or become less noticable due to the distraction, and i can understand your worry to starting uni as it is an overwhelming experience....but i would advise you to still go for it :) dont let this anxiety hold you back, you will meet sooo many great people who will become friends for life also will be so supporting. Univeristies have certain help groups etc for anxiety which can be very hepful. Please go to uni if you want to, dont let anxiety hold you back, you will be fine! and there will always be someone there to keep an eye on you hope it all goes well for you and enjoy xx

21-08-09, 14:05
Thanks Leanne. I wish my anxiety hadn't started until I was already there (Well actually I wish it never started at all lol ). I will try my best not to let it hold me back. I too find socialising distracting, Its a shame Im usually too anxious or having a panic attack to actual go anywhere :(

And thanks ballintoysunset. Great advice.
I too am an only child and know all about the pressure to do well in life.

Will definitely read back over this thread closer to the time I leave.

Thanks all,

21-08-09, 14:29
Irritable bowel syndrome is well known for people who move away to universities. Its mentioned in many books ive read about illnesses the doctors cannot cure. Through anx i still managed 2 years in a dorm alone so im sure you will be fine.

Only when we are at our weakest can we show true strength, thats where the word resolve comes from.

All the best :)