View Full Version : Unsure times: Waiting for bubble to burst!

Lion King
20-08-09, 23:40
Hi everyone,

I have been feeling really well lately, but I seem to be getting bombarded with stressful situations at work. I can cope with most things but each one seems to be getting higher and higher on the stress levels, I keep taking a step back but I have this lingering thought that I will return back to the bad times if I have a bad episode that I am unable to cope with. I feel ok while I am on citalopram and CBT but I worry that when I come off the meds will I be the same as before and be unable to manage.

Has anyone had similar experiences and how did you cope?



21-08-09, 08:50
my councillor told me when we start to feel better ( i am ) somehow we start to convince our selves it wont last. She said if you break your arm and they plaster it when the plaster comes off its mended or you may need a little bit of physio just to strenghten it but it dosnt just break again. Now i try to think that way i repaired just need a bit of physio to be 100%

Lion King
21-08-09, 18:00
Good advice, thanks very much!

When I have been overthinking situations I can become quite stressed and irritable, but If I occupy my mind doing something else I soon forget about the problem, so when I come back to think about it I have a better perspective on things. I guess I am still on the road to recovery, addressing all my old fears and putting them to bed, but with clear thinking I am getting there. With the meds I will have to ease myself off very steady at a rate I can allow.

Hey ho on we go!!

Hope all are well