View Full Version : Things still not going my way feeling like I'll go crazy

20-08-09, 23:41
I just feel at my wits end my head is boiling and I feel all weird and funny after looking back at old pictures. I feel like I'm losing my mind..had alot of panic attacks the last few weeks.

Basically I know few people in my situation with such bad luck when it comes to getting somewhere. 2 and a half years I've been single and I'm only 20. I to clubs, parties, online, dating sites but just can't meet anybody and it's hurting, depressing me..I just don't know what to do. 8 months solid I've applied to jobs solid. Only one or two interviews and that was back in April now I hate my job..might not even be safe anyway.

I feel like giving up right now..got my theory test for driving next week feel I've no hope..it's just been such a slow year. Like I see all these people I've had dates with over the time I've been single and they have long moved on. Is anybody else experienced this? I just need somebody to relate to here.

I have so much anger and frustration..the time it's taken and I still can't..and right now I can't hold myself off going on dating sites and looking even when I need rest..am I going crazy? It's not been weeks, months it's been years now and it's horrible..unhealthy even help! :weep: I feel alone, unwanted and just feel anybody new I'll talk to it's the same old "they don't want anything serious"..plus it's hit and miss with my friendships don't see them as much as I'd like..

I'm really hurting right now..life frustration, anxiety, anger, stress..just when will it get better? I can't bear another year.. (years) of it..I just want a little luck..even a short term relationship...anything! nothing I do seems to work..any recent situations the persons made me feel worse as they are everything I don't want...controlling and opinionated and not relaxed... :lac: I'm close to walking out on my job I feel something has to give..if life won't deliver perhaps I need to do something rash to make something better come along..I must be going nuts! :blush:

21-08-09, 04:09
is there any particular reason you feel like you need to be with someone right now? apart from seeing how other people you've been with are 'moving on'?
now might be a good time to enjoy life with friends, try your best to put romantic relationships out of your mind because they're causing too much stress. concentrate on enjoying life with good friends, making new friends, and by doing so and not worrying about trying so hard to meet a new partner you may find a friend who you want to be more than friends with and can explore this with them.
i'm 20 and in a relationship and know that simply living to have fun with friends at this point in life wouldn't be a bad idea. we're young still, and i think you should consider your own happiness before becoming too concerned about finding a girlfriend/boyfriend.
if you need any help, let me know :)