View Full Version : Growth on soft palate. Can't calm down.

21-08-09, 03:05
So, for at least 7 years now, possibly longer (I don't really remember when I first noticed) I've had this lentil sized (and shaped actually) "tab" or "growth" hanging from my soft soft palate next to my uvula (that punching bag looking thing in your throat). One time a doctor said "hm, you seem to have a growth forming on your soft soft palate" and I told him "oh, I've had that for years" to which he replied something about maybe getting it checked out in the future. Well, I just sort of disregarded it thinking "if I've had it this long, its fine". Now for some reason I'm suddenly horrified by it. I keep thinking I'm an idiot for not getting it checked out before. I feel like it's probably cancerous and I'm going to die because I've just been ignoring it all these years. I think things like "I've been going to all sorts of doctors for all sorts of other things and all this time it was probably this growth I kept looking at and shrugging off". :( I thought about it constantly last night and today (amongst other various health worries). I just can't put it out of my mind. I keep thinking "growth.. the doctor said GROWTH.. and growth = cancer" then I think "Why didnt I ask someone else or do anything about it.. it's been years.. I've given myself a death sentence." I know that's catastrophic thinking, I just feel really stupid and scared now.


21-08-09, 08:58
Hi Mandy

I think if you've had it for 7 yrs, possibly longer than its absolutely fine!!!! I'm sure you would have noticed changes in it over that period of time.

I can totally sympathise with how you are feeling at the moment though - i've done this many times, years after finding something i've then started to worry about it and not for any particualr reason its just that I don't seem to be happy unless i'm worrying about something!!!

Its difficult to put things into perspective when you're in this situation but I' sure you're ok.



22-08-09, 04:06
It hasn't changed, it's just... freaking me out. :( I keep thinking it's silently killing me and it was "obvious" this whole time.

Cell block H fan
22-08-09, 12:22
After that sort of time, I bet you're fine. And if your doctor was worried, he would of sent you to get it checked out. I think the key here is the length of time its been there. Thats pretty much a sure sign its nothing drastic. I would be tempted to get it checked out though, for curiosity reasons, just to find out what it actually is. Some people are lumpy bumpy people. My 14 yr old son had a smaller than a pea size lump just in front of his ear, the doctor said its a swollen gland, then another popped up just above his adams apple, then another just under his chin. They did a blood test & it came back negative. He was given pills, but they never went. The doc isn't worried & he's had them about 2 years now. He fiddles with the one under his chin, it makes me cringe!! lol I keep telling him to leave it alone!
My dog has about 3 lumps on her, which ive had checked out about a year ago, & the vet wasn't worried. She's had a couple more pop up since. But she's fit as a fiddle. I dated a guy once who had a lump removed from his back that was nothing serious, & he had one just below his shoulder the size of a pea, that he never got checked out & just left, he's had it years. But to be honest, some people, and animals are lumpy, & there aint nothin you can do about it x

24-08-09, 19:29
I had something that sounds very similar in the same place. When to an ENT doc and he said it was a mucoid cyst. Eventually it went away by itself. If it's not growing or changing I think it's OK.

26-08-09, 20:17
Uhhgg... freaking out about it again today. :(

30-05-11, 07:26
How stupid is this?

almost 2 years from this first post... I had completely forgot I made it.. I never had anyone specifically look at the growth but I've been to the dentist many times since for other things. I've also been to a regular doctor for colds. However, this weekend my H.A over this thing is through the roof again. Convinced it's cancer. Convinced I'm an idiot for not having it checked out STILL. I think part of the reason I havent is I'm terrified to find out what it is. Now I even think I'm imagining changes in it.. although I don't really think it is changing? I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so scared. I don't know WTH my problem is. >_<

02-06-11, 02:47
Sorry to keep bumping. I will make a DR apt as soon as I can afford to (no insurance). I just... I feel like I either feel like I'm dying, or if I talk myself out of feeling that way, instead I feel like I'm "crazy" or mentally "defective". I've been thinking about this non stop for days now.. which is what happens when I obsess over a health issue. It ruins everything I do... even if I'm doing something fun it's in the back of my mind and it will keep sneaking up on me. It's so completely frustrating.


macc noodle
02-06-11, 09:01
Bump away - it is what this site is here for. Sorry we can't allay your fears and a trip to the docs is clearly what you need.

Plus a healthy dose of reality - look at the evidence:-

- the doc was not concerned
- you have had it 7 years
- it has not changed
- it does not cause you any discomfort or pain

it is clearly "just one of those things"

Try and relax a little and not let it take over - if you can - this will help and start saving to see the doc.


02-06-11, 10:55
Plus a healthy dose of reality - look at the evidence:-

- the doc was not concerned
- you have had it 7 years
- it has not changed
- it does not cause you any discomfort or pain

it is clearly "just one of those things"

You've technically had it for 9 years now haven't you?! Even more reason to not be worried - otherwise, I echo everything Macc Noodle said!

Coincidentally, I had a problem with my ribs about 9 years ago (an abnormality thing) and I was actually at the doctor's yesterday complaining about the same thing again! These sort of things can keep popping up from time to time to worry us all over again, can't they? Perhaps, when we run out of new 'symptoms' to worry about, we unconsciously recycle the old ones?! :shrug: