View Full Version : A few thoughts!

08-10-05, 15:03
Hey all! I was having a good week till yesterday, i actually thought i was getting better and i was facing all my fears but then yesterday i went to see a play and i started thinking about how weird it was that i was seeing through my eyes (one of my anxiety worries used to be that i wasn't seeing the world the same way as everyone else) and all these other strange thoughts and then i was trying to go to sleep and i got this scared panicky feeling, though thankfully it didn't last very long but i had loads of trouble going to sleep. I hope this is just a blip. My other worries that i still have is about getting old and what my life is going to be like and how as i get older i'm going to lose everyone. I realised yesterday though that i think more positively about the past (even though i had stuff going on then but because i'm not feeling it now, i don't think its that bad when i look back on it but at the time they were devastating!) and when i think about the future i imagine all the negatives rather than thinking that the past might be a happier and more fun time then now or the past. I don't know if that makes sense or if i'm just babbling!!

08-10-05, 15:07
Babble away, everything you say makes sense to me! I think it's a blip, it took a long time for your anxiety to develop so it will take time to ease.

08-10-05, 18:21
Hi there,
yes, this is definately a blip, you are doing really well, try not to think too far ahead, enjoy each day, things do change as we get older (obviously) but i can assure you we do cope, there is no use worrying what-so-ever about what happens when we get older, i'm quite a lot older than most here (50) and i still enjoy things and think i'm 30, of course life throws things at us, but we do cope, trust me. xxxxxx

08-10-05, 22:04
Hi There,:D

I know exactly how you feel. I'm always worrying what will happen in the future and I have a terrific fear of loosing people.

Hubby says to just enjoy the time I have with them now. I know that's true but i do find it difficult to live for today at times.[Sigh...] Sorry now i'm babbling!

Just wanted to let you know I understand.

Take Care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

11-10-05, 22:41
Thanks everyone for listening its great to talk to people who kind of understand what you're saying. I was also wondering has anyone else had this weird realisation that time goes really quickly.. I've become more aware of time moving on and get a bit weirded out by how fast it seems to go.