View Full Version : Strange how things happen

21-08-09, 05:40
When i was little (12 years old) i used to always get a terrible headache, then it moved into one eye, and always resulted in me vomiting then i felt better, i used to have this maybe once every two months. Looking back now if i had HA back than i would of died with fear thinking it was a brain tumor, back thank i took it for what it was a migraine, mainly because i didn't know about all these dreadful diseases back then lol. Funny if we look back at some part of out lives where we was quite ill with flu or anything else that wouldn't kill you, how we just took it for what it is and never thought the worst, but now if anything like that happens we would think "OMG brain tumor"

21-08-09, 08:25
yea i agree. I think us with ha and any sort of anxiety are over educated about such illnesses and spend too much time analysing every pain or twinge.

21-08-09, 14:28
I had my first ever migrane when i was out shopping on my own in town, i thought i was having a stroke and ran straight to my boyfriend, made him take the afternoon off work (thankfully his boss was a friend) and escort me to the doctors, my mum gets migrains alot, i was so embarrassed when he told me what it was. It was the vision disturbance that scared me the most. Now i know better, and i still panic! lol