View Full Version : random symptoms.....

21-08-09, 09:17
hi there
i was just wondering could someone help me....for the last few months i have been experiencing ear pain dizziness unsteadiness slight vertigo feeling(more like im moving not the spinning kind) and just generally not feeling myself ...i have also had shooting pains in my head,muscle twitches and pretty much any other symtom you can think of!!
Anyway i have been to the doc too many times to count ,have had a ct scan done,neuro exams and blood tests...all fine.my doc thinks i have a euctachian tube blockage and thats whats causing the symptoms anyway my question is do you think that a eustachian tube blockage can cause all this AND can last this long?? i have had these symptoms for nearly 3 months now and am really strating to get tired of them :huh:
thanks for listening sorry for the long post!!!!!!

21-08-09, 18:12
hi OP i have not heard of that condition and am not a doctor so cannot say but the best thing to do in such a situation is to distract your mind from it. the doctors will definately help you get better.

all the best

21-08-09, 19:14
yes the inner ear can def cause all your problems, i would just try to relax and stop reading about it , if it was anything serious medics dont hang around in getting you futhered examined.

21-08-09, 20:08
Having the tests you have had done already resulting in a clean bill of health i wouldnt worry too much. some of what you said reminds me of derealisation which is where you feel half a second behind yourself as you move. This is your body protecting yourself and telling you to take it easy for awhile.

Up to 300 changes can happen in any panic attack, have a read of my post and see if it helps:


22-08-09, 03:00
hi there
i was just wondering could someone help me....for the last few months i have been experiencing ear pain dizziness unsteadiness slight vertigo feeling(more like im moving not the spinning kind) and just generally not feeling myself ...i have also had shooting pains in my head,muscle twitches and pretty much any other symtom you can think of!!
Anyway i have been to the doc too many times to count ,have had a ct scan done,neuro exams and blood tests...all fine.my doc thinks i have a euctachian tube blockage and thats whats causing the symptoms anyway my question is do you think that a eustachian tube blockage can cause all this AND can last this long?? i have had these symptoms for nearly 3 months now and am really strating to get tired of them :huh:
thanks for listening sorry for the long post!!!!!!

it sounds similar to what i had. mine was labyrinthitis. best yer ear checked out. made my balance go crazy.

22-08-09, 09:06
I was going to say exactly the same as the last poster. My daughter had a terrible bout of labyrinthistis - that can last for as long as you have been suffering. It sounds exactly very similar :)

23-08-09, 11:03
Thanks so much 4 ur replies!!

Ragna how long did ur daughter have labrynthitis for??

I'm absolutely terrifyed it's never gonna go away:-(