View Full Version : Hello from mogwog

21-08-09, 09:38
Hi Guys

I'm so glad i've found this place. I'm 27 and live nr Bristol with my son and husband and here's my story........

It all started when my son was born in 2005 - I had a normal pregnancy and normal delivery however within hours of my sons birth my husband and I could tell he was ill and kept insisting this to the docs who said he was fine. We went home and he kept vomiting every few seconds and crying and wouldnt feed, phoned midwife who said not to worry. Midwife came next morning and said he needed to go to hospital because he was jaundice, went in and another midwife took one look at him and said he dint look right and being sick like that not normal - the rest abit of a rbut he went to intesive care where they found he had a twisted bowel they performed emergency surgery and mannaged to untwist his bowel with minutes to spare. The worst memory is signing the consent form and being told he might die during the op or that it would be so bad he wouldnt survive. Thank god they did it in time. He made a full recovery from that only for us later to be told he was profoundly deaf, then that he had some of his brain missing and also has epilepsy.

Ever since all of this I have suffered with terrible HA - I work myself up over the smallest of things and can't cope when I do find a lump etc.

All I want to do is look after my little boy and make sure he is ok but I have HA hanging over my head which has ben made worst by the fact I found a lump in breast which has just been removed.

There always seems to be something to worry about.

Finding this palce I don't feel so alone now.


21-08-09, 09:59
Hello! I wanted to reply as no one has yet. im sorry to hear of all your complications. im unsure on what HA is...?
Your poor little boy is a fighter! My uncle has severe epilepsy and although its horrible having to take medication everyday, his epilepsy is under control and hasnt suffered any epileptic fits in years. It is a shame your son does not have his hearing but the main thing is that he is still here! :-) I have recently turned 20 and in primary school I learnt sign language and although I did not keep it up and has been about 10 years.. i can still remember alot. the good thing is you will be able to learn it yourself and is so easy to pick up to communicate with your son. xx

Veronica H
21-08-09, 10:06
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort support and great advice here. I am so sorry that you have been through so much. Your health anxiety is understandable given how much strain your nerves have taken. This can and will get better. I am glad that you have found us.


21-08-09, 22:42
Hi hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

I am soo sorry to hear what you and have been through and I do agree that your son is a fighter, my heart goes out to you both :hugs: You are a good mother hunny, this is a good place to be, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.