View Full Version : reflexology????

21-08-09, 09:58
In a bit of a panic:blush:
I have a VERY sore area on my foot - i was reading a magazine before throwing it out (2 years old) and saw an article about reflexology:ohmy:
the sore part of my foot refers to the ""heart and lungs"" - to my knowledge i DO NOT have a problem there - BUT was this a sign????
Does anyone know - does this mean i should get checked over???? or is it a coincidence??????
Glad of any help:hugs:

freudian nightmare
21-08-09, 10:49
hello june,
I used to have reflexology on a regular basis and had similar soreness like you mainly my lungs. I don't think it indicates a serious problem, just a slight imbalance of the area maybe due to anxiety/panic which would affect the heart and lungs because of the tendency to overbreathe and palpitations. My reflexologist used to tell me to gently press the sore areas until it eased, you can even get reflexology socks or gloves that show you where all the different parts of the body are but if you feel particularly worried about your health at the moment it might not be a good idea. I've suffered with anxiety/panic for a long time and do tend to worry about my health so i know how you're feeling, i hope i've eased your concerns a bit. tc x :)

21-08-09, 11:03
:hugs: Thank you :yesyes:
I know you are right - just any other day the pictures of reflexology would have meant nothing to me. But as i am already feeling vulnerable :blush: the usual 2+2 makes 5 (or more.....)
Health anxiety is such a problem - i seem to need reasurance aaaaalllllll the time. When i get to know one prob another takes its place.
I get ssooo fed up.
Thank for your help
Best wishes

freudian nightmare
21-08-09, 11:22
Hello again,
Glad to be of any help, feel free to pm me anytime if you wish. I know what you mean about the health anxiety it's never ending i've suffered with it for years now and i just wish i could be less anxious about my health all the time. Best wishes x