View Full Version : Continual arm cramp

21-08-09, 11:28
I've had this on and off for years but in the last month since my recent flare up of "whatever" (anxiety or whatnot) I'm getting frequent aches in my left arm which I'd describe more like cramp.

It occurs sometimes when I'm stressed but also when I'm perfectly relaxed. Can even be when relaxing in the bath.

The aches vary in location and can be the lower or upper arm, inside or outside, sometimes right on the inner elbow where the big vein is and sometimes I get finger aches. Sometimes it's just an ache that appears for a minute and goes, and other times it's a throbbing pain corresponding to my pulse.

Of course it's always worrying that it's the left arm. However I don't get chest pains unless I'm extremely stressed, and I don't get pains or short of breath when exercising.

If this is stress related, how come it doesn't go away when not stressed?

Just been reading here about Fibromyalgia. Is that a possibility? I don't seem to have a general all-over ache though which seems to be common with Fibromyalgia, it's just mostly in the left arm with occasional tension in the shoulders.

Any thoughts and/or suggestions on how to relieve it? Exercise doesn't get rid of it, other than during exercise but it comes back after.

I can often get extreme fatigue also and I suspect it's related to being tense so much.

The other thought that keeps coming into my head is angina, but as I say, no chest pain.

21-08-09, 11:32
Did you ever use freeweights? or use any gym equipment that flexed your pecotorals at anytime in the last year or so?

Thats what i did and i have the same as you, probably a trapped nerve. My fingers get a burning sensation sometimes as well as the dull ache in the tricep.

Talk to your GP and mention a trapped nerve and i guarantee they will nod in agreement, then just ask to be refferred to a physiotherapist.

All the best

21-08-09, 13:21
Don't do weights or the gym, but I do mountain biking a fair bit.

In fact my recent "episode" started with a weird hand/finger tingling thing after a bike ride on my new bike I recently got, but that was on my right hand, whereas the aches are on the left arm.

And I've had the arm aches for longer though not sure if it's longer than I've been riding the bike.

I had a high speed tumble skiing over a year ago which I think resulted in bust ribs (they killed for 6 months, but I stupidly didn't bother with seeing anyone, though there's not much they can do for ribs), and since then I get tingling on the spine occasionally. Only mild and doesn't really bother me.