View Full Version : extreme hypochondria please give me your thoughts

21-08-09, 14:01
Well basically i will tell you the story in full so it might be long but please read.

I was worried about a bump to me head a number of years ago and one day began to wonder if i had a headache out of the blue. I kept thinking about it and eventually thought i had a headache. I then took painkillers over a number of weeks to get rid of the headache.

the headache was mild but i found it annoying and tried to get rid of it with painkillers. I eventually went to the doctor who gave me another type of painkiller but when I woke up I had what i would call a real headache!

this made me realise I was medicating a headache which is partially just in my mind/tension in my head due to stress.

The doctor has sent me to a neurologist but I think i should cancel it because i feel this may be all just hypochondria and I will further get myself deeper into the obsession. what do u think?

21-08-09, 14:17
I get headaches alot due to stress, i used to take paracetamol all the time, even when i didnt have a headache, it became habbit, then i developed headaches and the paracetamol did nothing, until i realised i shouldnt be taking it for something i dont have! Stress is a nightmare for causing headaches, if you know why, and the appointment will be a waste of time, cancel it, but at the same time, if your unsure, it might not hurt to get checked out, when i cancel appointments, guarantied i will get all the symptoms and what if`s under the sun, all in my head of course. But then thats just the anxiety talking.

21-08-09, 16:24
Hello :)

I had constant headaches and migraines which lasted for around 3 months, it was terrible!! i used to sleep with those headache strips stuck to my head, i was convinced it was due to more than my anxiety.

Then one morning i had another symptom and because i wasnt focusing on my headache it went!

If you focus on a symptom enough you will get it, if i was to focus now on my arm and imagine pain you can guarentee after a few hours my arm will be hurting.

Its completely up to you if you want to cancel your headscan, but you might be in a situation in a few months time where you think i wish i had it just to make sure everything was ok and to stop you from ever worrying about headaches or anything brain related in the future :) xx

21-08-09, 16:35
hi i had really bad headaches for a while i think it is stress and frowning,but now i have achy arms so i worry about that lol
take care

21-08-09, 16:40
I say dont cancel it, be assured of what you dont have instead of potentially worrying about it again. You have a problem now follow the due course until you get a conclusion, dont perpetuate this anymore.

We have a free healthcare system, use it to its fullest potential for your own piece of mind. Simmilar thing happened to me and i was diagnosed with cluster headaches (step up from migraines) which affects 1-500 people so of course its important to find out.

If its stress related? well after you get a clean bill of health that will subside.

'To thyne own self be true'
