View Full Version : Head injury worries

21-08-09, 14:05
Hi guys,

I suffered what seemed to be a mild head injury last Saturday. I was on the dodgem cars at the Trocadero in London, and during one collision my neck got snapped back and I accidentally hit the back of my head on the car's headrest (which is made of metal and plastic and not very safe!) Anyway after the ride I felt very sick and dizzy and my head hurt a lot, so my husband took me to A&E just to get me checked over. The doctor said I should be alright as I didn't seem to have any neurological symptoms - I wasn't forgetting things or anything like that and I knew exactly where I was. Plus I hadn't even passed out when I got knocked.

The hospital gave me a booklet about head injuries which noted some warning signs to look for in case the injury was more serious than thought. The most important ones I guess are vomiting, severe headache etc.

I have been resting a little during this week but also continuing on with my daily activities. I've had neck pain/stiffness on and off, and what I might call a mild, sometimes moderate headache in my temples. My eyes have also been tired and sore. My husband said this is all my body still recovering and these are not serious symptoms to be worried about. Is this true? I've never had a head injury before.

Aside from these symptoms I have also been getting chest pains. My husband tells me this must be due to anxiety over my head injury, but I am worried the chest pain is something to do with my circulation, and am concerned that I may have internal bleeding or a blood clot as a result of the head inury. Can anyone put my mind at ease? The hospital did not give me an X-ray or a scan because they said they didn't feel they needed to. :/

Thank you,


21-08-09, 14:47
hey kitty
Dont worry im sure you are fine if the hosp checked you out.they wouldnt let you go home if they thought there was anything wrong.
i had nearly the exact same thing happen to me(exept i hit the front of my head) i went to the doc staight after he did a neuro exam and told me eveything was fine.
A few days after i felt slightly dizzy and TOTALLY freaked out!! was convinced i had a blood clot went back to the doc and he told me again i was ok and i was just anxious but by this stage i had convinced myself i had something wrong with my brain i had all kinds of symptoms numbness headaches weakness etc.....in the end i went and got a ct scan cos i was so worried....and it was clear!!
nothing at all wrong with me apart from being over anxious and focusing too much on what had happened!
Anyway long story short im sure you are fine,trust the doctors they know what they are talking about and they arent about to let you walk around with a serious injury! your husband is right all you are feeling is just the stress of what has happened to you which is completely normal!!
Hope i have helped hope ive made sense!!