View Full Version : Hello, undiagnosed and wondering where to start

09-10-05, 03:56
Hello, I'm a 17 year old from New Zealand. I've never been to a counsellor of any sort because I'm kind of scared. I'm not sure if this forum is even the right place to go, but I just had another embarrassing social thingy happen and man.. I was so panicky and embarrassed that I um.. ran away and cried uncontrollably for a while and then googled and found you guys :D I'm not on medication, of course, but I'm getting a bit desperate. I do crazy things sometimes, and I'm worried that I might do something I'll really regret.

As for what's wrong with me, I'm pretty sure I'm depressed. I've felt depressed since I was about 13 and it's only getting worse. I've always been very shy, but not always anxious socially. That's just been for the last few years. I get so worried about talking to people that I can hardly breathe and that just makes me look more stupid. I just feel completely awkward and I'm always worried about how my voice sounds and what I say. I hide a lot. I always sit at the back of classrooms, I never go out (I feel too sick at the thought of going out). I've just had two weeks of holiday and tomorrow I have to go back to school and I just don't think I can do it unless they allow me to wear a mask. I'm think I'm a bit paranoid too.

I don't want to self-diagnose, but I've read about different disorders (sometimes I google when I'm going crazy [8D]) and I fit nearly all of the Borderline Personality criteria. The criteria that I do fit, I fit so well that they might have written it about me. It was such a relief to read experiences of other people. What I went through when I was younger also fits most pre-Borderlines. It would make sense, because Borderline symptoms trigger depression and anxiety.

I'm too worried to talk to anyone though. I rarely go to my GP and when I do my mother always accompanies me and I'm not sure how I would even say anything... do I ask him if he can recommend a psychiatrist? Do I say 'I think I'm depressed' and then allow him to tell me the options?

Since I'm not very good at talking, I was thinking maybe I could print out the criteria of different things that seem to fit me, and then highlight bits and give it to a counsellor.. would that be a stupid thing to do? Because I'm worried that the person I talk to might just say it's all depression, but there are lots of other things I'm going through that don't fit depression.

Sorry it's so long, I hope this is the right forum to be at.

09-10-05, 05:56
Hi Mercurial

Welcome to the forum. Sounds like things are pretty difficult right now and it can all be very confusing when you are not sure what is happening to you.

I have suffered from depression and social phobia since I was about 12 so can empathise with how difficult it can be. I too have problems with verbal communication, and at school used to hide at the back and completely freeze up when asked a question or to speak in front of the group. You definitely are not alone there.

Does your school have a counsellor? If so you could arrange to see someone from there, or if not your doctor would be able to help. Perhaps you could tell your Mum that you would rather go in on your own if you would prefer her not to be there.

As for explaining what is troubling you. Maybe you could write something out so you could just hand the note to the doctor or counsellor. Something like you have written here would be fine, just so it makes it easier to explain your thoughts and the areas you are currently experiencing problems in.

No need to apologise for the length of your post and you are fine here.

I hope you manage to arrange to see someone and ask for some help. You will also find a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

09-10-05, 10:02
Hi Mercurial,
Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of good advice here and make some good friends. I agree with Karen sometimes it is easier to write things down before you go to visit your doctor, that way you can explain everything and the way that you feel, without getting tongue tied or forgetting anything.
Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

09-10-05, 10:24
Hey Mercurial,

Welcome to the site!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

09-10-05, 11:40
Hi Mercurial

welcome to the site, sounds like you are in the right place. You will get lots of support here so don't worry about the length of your posts, the more we know the more we can help.

It is very hard to self diagnose things like this, you really are better off going to your doctor or school counsellor who will be familiar with the symptoms.

Tammy x

09-10-05, 17:33
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

09-10-05, 21:13
Hi Mercurial

A big warm welcome to you.



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

09-10-05, 22:27
Hi Mercurial![:I]

Welcome to this forum and like others have said you will get lots of info and support on this site. We all have our issues here but I can really understand how you feel. It is easy to get paranoid when we are out and about with other people; we become so aware of ourselves. I heard a quote once that went 'We probably wouldn't worry about what people think about us if we knew how seldom they do!' The next time you become really self-conscious in public, just try and remember that quote and the person/people you are speaking to are probably worrying about how they are coming across to others. You do need to speak to someone (counsellor/doctor) but don't ever feel you are alone with these problems, this forum will prove that to you!
PM me anytime for a chat and I am thinking of you.

Jem xxx

10-10-05, 10:41
hi mercurial welcome to the site , i hope you find it as helpful as i do , good luck

10-10-05, 13:49
Hi Mercurial

Welcome ,

If these issues are bothereing and disrupting all parts of your life it is time to get some help with them.

Take a written list of what you are concerned about in your life in your words rather than the borderline thing hilighted. No need to put words in the GPs mouth , aim to get referred.

Your parents may have already picked up that there are parts of you that are ill at ease in situations but equally don't know how to speak about it with you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-10-05, 20:39
Hi Mercurial

Just wanted to welcome you aboard the forum and I hope we can be of some help.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

11-10-05, 11:59
hi mercurial,
welcome to the site you will get some excellent advice on here :D
take care luv sue

12-10-05, 19:49
Welcome to the forum i am sure you have come to the right place lots of people to share your fears with but you must try and get some other help see your doctor or a good councelor take the first steps to getting your life back,you are still young with a happy future ahead of you.
take care
Fi xx

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 22:32

Welcome to NMP! I hope that once you have had a chance to read the posts and some of the stories you will discover that your not alone and that the people on here have an amazing understanding of what your going through

Please take care and welcome once again !

sue with 5


27-11-05, 04:38
Thank you all so much for your welcomes. I wish I'd got back here to read them sooner, but haven't felt too well lately.

I haven't been to the doctor yet (same old fears) but as I'll be free from school in a few days, I'm going to go, maybe with my aunty. Luckily (or unluckily) I've had other health problems crop up lately, so my going to the doctor won't seem too suspicious... I'll take your advice and write a list of what's wrong.

Thanks again. I hope to visit here more often.

27-11-05, 12:26
Hi Mercurial and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too!:D

Take Care

