View Full Version : Pain

21-08-09, 16:28
Sorry not sure where to put this.

I'm in alot of pain from an old car crash at the moment, its had me in tears today.
This is relevant stick with me.

Just being in so much pain is making me feel vulnerable, i mean im scared of people so the idea of being n so much pain i dnt want to move makes me feel trapped. Im currently on my own at my girlfriends house and i just feel scared and alone :(
its making my depression get to me how it hasnt in a while and oh i dnt know this is a pointless post :(
just gettin panicky and ...
oh i dnt know im sorry

21-08-09, 16:47
People react differently in different situations which you already know right? 2 people in a same accident can be affected differently depending on their mindstates. Its what makes us unique. In your case your healing, no shame in that, be easy on yourself, things change in time with a positive attitude and patience.

Worrying never solved anything.

I do sympathise with your situation and understandibly your shook up about it, be thankful you have a girlfriend to talk about it with, some of us dont even have that. Times when we are at our lowest is time to think of the positives we have in our lives. Take a few moments and do just that.

It has to rain somewhere for a rainbow to be seen.

Take it easy,


21-08-09, 17:12
thing is crash was a long time ago its just the pain i cant take

21-08-09, 17:51
hi - i can sympathise - i have been through pain - not caused by injury but once i had a headache for over 3 years - honestly - i was under the headache clinic/neurology i was so bad. i then had pelvic pain - so agonising i could not walk to work properly - this went on for several months. i then had chronic tonsillitis for 6 months and got terrible pain accross my face - i used to go to bed everyday with it. the way through is like with anxiety - to accept it as much as you can as we tend to turn up the pain volume when we are anxious/uspet - sleep when you need to, take painkillers when you need to etc. there are a lot of people in the same boat out there so you may feel alone but you are not alone x

21-08-09, 18:09
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am soo sorry to hear that you are in so much pain from a car crash that happened along time ago, hunny, what help have you had regarding this pain?

Its ok to cry hun :hugs: when we feel there is nothing we can do to help ourselves we can feel trapped. I can understand you feel scared and lonely hunny, BUT, just what is it your scared off, nothing bad is going to happen, this is Mrs anxiety playing with you hun :hugs: is there anyone to can ring and have a chat to, someone who can help take your mind off things.

I wish I could be of more help hun, are you on pain killers, are you still under the hospital, are you getting any help AT ALL regarding your pain, eg, pain manegment.

Please hun, try and distarct yourself away from what Mrs anxiety is telling you, I know its dame hard for you right now :hugs:you are stronger than you think, we tend to feel weak at these low times, but from what I have read, we ARE at our strongest when anxiety kicks in, even though we do not feel it.

Please be kind to yourself, its DAME hard to learn positive self thoughts, to look MORE on the positive side of life, but please try hunny :hugs:

My friends hubby was in pain for a very long time, it took along time through them both searching for the answers to why he was in pain, (will not go into that) but will say, he is pain free now.

YOU hang in there hun and keep venting hear, it does help to talk.