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22-08-09, 00:26
As some of you might know, I lost my beloved cat Thursday & am going through hell!!

Yesterday I had uncontrollable shaking on & off & I know that it was because I was in shock (Lady my cat, died very suddenly) & I didn't have much to eat. Only had two hours sleep last night which is to be expected due to the circumstances. But am having uncontrollable shaking again tonight. I wasn't worried about it, now all of a sudden I am because I have had a little to eat today, but didn't shake today, just come on tonight. Do you think its still shock or anxiety or something else. Is there a physical illness where your body shakes without any other symptoms? Every now & again the shaking stops abruptly, but then comes back again!

Anyone got any ideas please? I would be grateful.

22-08-09, 00:39
My dear Elsbeth :hugs:

I am soo sorry to hear about your cat :hugs: I can tell your heartbroken, as an animal lover, this must be so hard for you :hugs:

Hunny it sounds like anxiety to me, it sounds like your body is producing adrenaling, hence the shaking when the body feels the adrenalin has gone, it stops shaking, but because you are soo stressed and have anxietys your body is producing more adrenalin, so the body will shake again to try rid itself of it.

The fact that you have had not much sleep and not much to eat this is not helping either. I know its dame hard for you right now :hugs: but please try and eat something.

When we are in shock we can produce adrenaline too hunny, so you may have both. Please eat something, be kind to yourself, your going through a rough time at the mo, this shaking will pass hunny :hugs:

I am editing this because I forgot to mention, when I was going through a very bad time with my hubby ( will not go into detail ) but I had these types of shakes, on and off, my hubby thought I was cold, that's how visible these shakes were, they did go.



22-08-09, 01:20
Hi Jill

Thank you for the condolences about my cat Lady.

This shaking business is so weird to me! It's like your hubby said, it's as if your cold, but your not! I just got up and walked around the flat for a little while & I stopped shaking! I suppose I was able to get rid of some of the adrenalin just by walking around for a bit. I have also put extra clothes on to see if I am actually a bit cold!! I will have some weetabix in a while, food is so hard to get down at the moment.

I can actually feel the shaking start to come on again now, so I'd better get up & walk around again, how on earth am I supposed to sleep when I'm like this!!

Thank you very much for replying Jill. If this hasn't gone by Monday I think I'll go to drs as this is a new symptom for me & I have had anxiety for 34 years!!


22-08-09, 01:39
I've had something similar in the past, and have just put it down to anxiety really. Presently I get involuntary nerve or muscular spasms when I'm going off to sleep. It seems to have occurred at the same time I began taking Efexor XL. It's not something I worry about personally, but I hope you are soon able to put your mind at rest over it. If you do see the doctor, come back and tell us. I'd be interested to hear a professional opinion. Sorry to hear you lost your pusscat. I know how close the bonds can be.

22-08-09, 10:16
Dear Elspeth,:hugs:
I am so sorry about the loss of your cat, Lady. :weep: I have always had cats myself and know that whenever I have lost one I feel a real grief.

The shaking is definately because of how upset you are at the moment and the shock of it all. When you get a big shock you can shake uncontrollably for ages. I have this every day even without shock, so I know it is my anxiety causing it. When I calm down in the evening it goes away. I am sure you will find it gets better in the near future.
Love Judy.xxx:bighug1:

22-08-09, 11:19
Dear Elspeth

So sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I know it's dreadful when you lose part of your family.

I've actually posted elsewhere about a quivering sensation that I have had since last monday after I was rushed to hospital. As a sufferer of HA it was a huge shock to me.

The support that I've received on here (a special mention to Jill here) has been priceless & I can honestly say that althought I'm not 100% I am definitely feeling better.

So, you are not alone, and I'm sure that once you are eating properly and over time as your anxiety improves it will disappear as soon as it appeared

Love Ragna xx

22-08-09, 18:31
I had two cats, and have had cats all my life, but Jack and Luke were very special.

Luke was with me all the time, and I'm sure nobody will ever understand how much this 'animal' loved me, and I loved him.

Unfortunately Luke (the brother of Jack) never came home one day (OK, I'm crying already into my keyboard) and I spent the next few weeks walking around streets and fields clanking plates together shouting "Lucas, din-dins", calling animal sanctuaries, vets, and the road cleaning dept of the council for any reports of a dead cat. My heart was broken, completely.

For anyone else this was harrowing enough, but for someone with anxiety like myself this triggered all kinds of things, including shaking, unimaginable depression, and thoughts tooo shocking for TV as to his end...including being lost wandering around some city because he might have jumped in a dleivery van from the city...which was worse than death for me. I never saw a body so my mind tortured me with possibilities for a long time.

I shivered, I wept, I blamed myself and lord knows what else.

I didn't eat either, I was distraught - and I'm a fella!

Even without anxiety or depression your reactions are normal, I'm a cat lover myself...I TOTALLY sympathise.

22-08-09, 19:09
Hi Elspeth:hugs:

Im so sorry to hear about Lady:weep:

When my cousin died suddenly I had the same as you and my doc gave me some Diazipam which helped a bit

Have you seen the web site called rainbow bridge for people who have lost pets....it may bring you some comfort

Im thinking of you:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Kaz x:flowers:

22-08-09, 19:51
i had a shaking fit after coming out of hospital after having my baby,i shook so bad my boyfriend rang an ambulance,i felt so cold i wrapped up in jumpers and everything.when the ambulance got to me i was fine,i felt so bad and stupid i cud do nothing but apoligise.it was panic but it was scary

22-08-09, 19:58
Dear Elspeth I'm so sorry about your cat Lady. All my cats have been members of the family and I love them dearly. My old cat Stanley could do a lot of things that human beings can do including being my faithful companion whilst I was in labour. If you are taking any medication please try to eat and drink a little as dehydration and lack of food can cause the shaking you describe. I have the shakes with lithium sometimes. I agree with you it is probably better to get checked out at the doctors if you are at all concerned.

22-08-09, 20:28
Elspeth - I am so so sorry about your cat. I have 2 cats and I would be devastated if anything happened to them. Just hold onto the memories to get you through the difficult times - close your eyes and your cat will be there again for you.
As for the shaking - when I was having a terrible time, I would shake uncontrollably all over my body and had to really concentrate hard to stop the shaking. A nurse told me it was due to the anxiety.
It does pass. Its just your nervous system is going through a lot, due to you being upset, and it shows in the way of shaking. Make sure you have a little bit to eat and get plenty of fluid. Low blood sugar can cause shaking.
I am so sorry for what you are going through and my sympathies are with you.

22-08-09, 20:49
Hi Els :D :hugs:

How you feeling tonight hun :hugs: I do hope things have settled a little.



22-08-09, 21:00
Thank you all so very much for your replies & condolences for Lady.

I did stop shaking before I went to bed, so got about 5 hours sleep.

Now tonight the shaking has started again & I haven't had it all day. Although I'm agoraphobic, I've been going to shops & around neighbours etc because I cannot bear to be indoors on my own. It's like when I'm doing something the shaking isn't there, but when I sit down for a while it comes back again! Does anyone understand this at all? I will definately book to see a dr Monday (although I hate going), because I wondered if it was diabetes or something physical.

Thank you again for your help, neighbours have been so good too since Lady died & even my dad has rung me 3 times today!! Bless!


22-08-09, 21:05
its grief and shock you poor thing. I shook non stop for days and days when i lost my brother and your cat meant so much to you that you are grieving for her
take care xx

22-08-09, 21:14
Yeah, you are acting normally given the situation *big hugs* but you are also doing the sensible thing by seeing your doctor too.

Well played.

22-08-09, 22:09
So sorry to hear of your loss. It is awful when we lose our pets, they are part of the family.
I have suffered with anxiety on and off for 17 years. Twice it has got so bad I was housebound. This last episode I experienced shaking like you describe - I was convinced something was terribly wrong as I had never had it before. I went to see my GP and & he confirmed its a classic symptom of anxiety. I was prescribed beta blockers which stopped it. Speak to your GP he can give you something to help, and reassure you - given your circumstances though its understandable you are feeling this way.
Be strong you have alot of support on here if you need it.

22-08-09, 22:27
Hi Els :D :hugs:

Its nice to hear your nieghbours have been good and your dad has rang you.

Hunny, when we are busy and doing stuff are minds are taken off how we feel, we are not focust on are bodys, although we stilll feel sad and will have normal emotions, we tend to NOT focus on how are body is reacting to how we feel, BUT, as soon as we sit down, go into a little relax mode, BAM, we start to focus back on what are body is feeling. When we go through grief, there are alot of emotions going on inside us, all norrmal emotions that happen to all people at these sad time,s, but because you suffer anxietys hunny, you are noticing them more and focusing more on your body.

There are many, many threads on here that say, the symptoms goes when I am distracted OR we advice to exccept the symptom, give it good reason for it being there, then, go and distract yourself.

Els, you have good reason for this symptom being there, you have just lost you well loved Cat, please hunny, be kind to yourself, allow this symptom to be there, its OK, it will pass with time.

The FACT that the shaking goes when you are busy, it looks like anxiety related hunny :hugs:

Its good you are going to the gp hun, piece of mind goes along way. Have a good chat with him :hugs:

Please let us know how you get on, or, if you just want to vent, as you can see hunny, there are lots of people here with support for you :hugs:

You take care :hugs:


22-08-09, 23:24
Hey Els:hugs:

Just an idea and please dont shoot me down in flames or think I am dissmissing your loss but Yorkylovers partner recently lost his puss and he adopted a new one called Mavvy and feels loads better now

Maybe you could consider this in Ladys honour???

I know it takes time(still havent got another dog and mine died 3 yrs ago tho I have 3 others) but it takes time eh???

You are in my thoughts and prayers:hugs:

Kaz x x x:bighug1: