View Full Version : May - August

22-08-09, 01:12
well i've been on Citalopram since May and i'm doing fine for most of the part, back in May I was cutting a 10mg tablet into four! and then swollowing each tiny piece while holding my husbands hand because I was so affriad of taking it, Now i wake up every day and take a 20mg tablet on the way to work without even thinking about it. The first few weeks I felt a little light headed every now and again and I had a few blips but I was determind to give it a try. I've been abroad on holiday for two weeks, I been to two concerts, Im enjoying shopping again!! I know i'm not cured but i'm seeing a therapist and living life the way I use to and whats more I'm loving the normality.I never thought I would see the day I would take tablets but after three years of trying self help, that just didnt work for me i'm so glad I took the leap into the unknown. I dont intend to stay on them forever but for now the future looks bright... Despite the odd pulse checking which i'm hoping to crack.:yesyes:

22-08-09, 09:12
Posts like yours are so uplifting. I think it may inspire me to do the same. I know exactly what you mean about the pills - I was given protaz once, but after reading that someone suffered with worse panics I never took them. My husband actually takes the ones you mention for his depression (has a chronic back problem) and he's never had any problems.

The thought of feeling normal again, would bewonderful. Not to struggle to go Tescos, or to go concerts seems a long way away for me.

You have given me hope - thank you :)

22-08-09, 10:08

I am so pleased for you. I look depression for the first time about 18 months ago and was on citalopram. Within about the same timescale I was feeling like you. However the GP advised me to wean off completely after 6 months as I was feeling so good and 6 months later the depression was back!!!! This time I saw a locum (in March) and she prescribed cipralex and it is only now that I am getting to your stage. My advice would be to stay on a small dose for a longer time as there is less chance of a relapse. I had absolutely no problems coming off them and feel that they were fantastic. Unfortunately I always felt and my GP kept saying that citalopram was better - so mind over matter - my progress this time has been much slower!!!!!!

Congratulations on your success and I hope and know it will continue!!!!!!
