View Full Version : anxiety or not?

22-08-09, 02:00
basicly i just wrote a long post out and crashed so this will be a shortended version..

up until about 2 months ago i was perfectly normal and had never worried or paniced bout anythin even when ive been in situations where alot of people woulda paniced, i have allways been a calm and relaxed person, about 2 months ago i was going thru a bit of stress and feeling ill, so i hadnt ate much for a few days, went out shopping and started to feel really lightheaded and sick while i was waiting to pay for somthing in a shop, next day i went to the doctors and was told it was most likey down to having a extremely blocked ear , few days later i had my ears syringed, lightheadedness was still there so i had blood and urine tests done and both came back fine, so i decided to go to the dentist as i have pretty bad teeth, they told me i have had a abcess on my tooth that had prolly been there a few months and could be causing the lightheadedness, took anti biotics for a week and still lightheaded, this is about 3 weeks ago now.

When this first started i wasnt that worried about it, however as time went on and doctors kept telling me they couldnt find anything wrong with me, i started to worry more and more and make feel worse, and i was starting to panic especialy when i was in public and waitng for somthing, as i was waitng for somthin when i 1st got any of this, however i seem to be doing better with the panicing and worrying since ive been hypnotized, however the lightheadedness is still there.

its pissing me off more than anything at the moment as im not completely convinced its anxiety as ive never had anythin like this before and have allways been pretty relaxed and calm and have never worried about anything, even when i probably should have, this just really isnt me.

also when i say lightheadedness i dont mean spinning or feeling like im gonna pass out ive never had any of that, it jus feel off balance and like im allways moving like im on a boat or somthin strangly, when im actully walking or in a car moving i dont feel lightheaded at all only when im standing sitting or lying down, seems to come and go randonly and sometimes come on after/when im eating and i have no idea whats causing it whatsoever.

doctors keep trying to tell me its anxiety but like i said the lightheadedness came before i was even that worried about it or paying much attention to it and im perfectly happy with my life, im 22, have a amazing girlfriend and am completely happy and secure in our realationship, have my own business that is doing well and have nothin to worry about in my life apart from this feeling lightheaded, its jus gettin to me cuz its gone on so long and feels like my mind is constantly on it and im worring that im never gonna be my normal self again

just wondering if anyone has any idea on what this could be or anyone have any experiance of this sorta thing.

also forgot to mention ive smoked smallish ammounts of weed on a regular basis (bout £20/ 1/8th a week) for the last 5 years which i stopped once i started feeling ill, like i have any other time ive been ill, ive allways layed off it then gone back a couple weeks later and have never had any problems so im not sure if that is a factor in this as ive stopped for this long before and had no problems.

cheers for any advice in advance.

22-08-09, 11:09
I used to smoke £20 a week for 10 years its possible there is a link but you know what?

fact is we will never know the truth about it.

Also don't think that anxy people have always been this way, its an unpredictable son of a b!tch that can come whenever it wants. Im 6ft 1 and weigh 14 stone, pretty stocky and not bothered about anything or anyone and it happened to me. Ive beat it into submission now pretty much but i had a year that was nothing short of horrific.

The dizziness you speak of is like your walking on a trampoline or bouncy castle right? or like every 3rd step feels slightly awkward like missing a step on the stairs but without the adrenaline rush?

Well after the tests you have had its most like anx, cut down on your smoking as it is a fact it will not help in this situation right now. Your lucky in a way that you have this chance to maybe stop it before it festers into something much bigger that will knock you on your a$$.

Be easy,


22-08-09, 14:41
The dizziness you speak of is like your walking on a trampoline or bouncy castle right? or like every 3rd step feels slightly awkward like missing a step on the stairs but without the adrenaline rush?

Nah its not so much when im walking when im actully walking or in a car moving im fine, its when im stood/sat still that i jus feel like im moving when i aint, like im swaying or somthing

cheers for the reply

22-08-09, 15:25
my dizzyness came on overnight. I got off a plane at gatwick feeling funny like i was sort of walking on air or something and that was it. It was there for months not everyday or all day but most days. I had the worst holiday of my life in dominica thought i was gonna die but thats another story. The dizzy feeling seemed to be the first to come before the full blown panic attacks started and now the panic attacks seem to be under control i still get that light headed feeling from time to time. The funny thing is though i had stopped smoking (normal fags ) 3 months before this started but started again after i convinced myself thats what had caused it and smoking didnt take it away. I am thinking of trying to give up again but i am worried it may trigger it all off again which im sure is not true im mjust looking for a reason to keep puffing away lol By the way i have a happy mariage, 2 great kids, a good job and so you would think i woulnt of got this but it dosnt work that way

22-08-09, 17:13
Nah its not so much when im walking when im actully walking or in a car moving im fine, its when im stood/sat still that i jus feel like im moving when i aint, like im swaying or somthing

cheers for the reply

Well anxiety increases eyesight sensitivity and hearing sensitivity so its still possible. when ears have been checked out, what else could it be other than anx?

Be easy :)

22-08-09, 17:48
It's easy to see why your doctors have focused on the ear element, this is after all the part that controls your balance and orientation...it's the natural thing that happens when your balance mechanism in your ear is affected by something like an infection for example - that's almost exactly what you describe the symptoms of.

I think a more important question to ask is how do you feel? As in, any fear, dread, uncomfortable with the situation etc.

22-08-09, 18:06
Im not sure, when i say ears have been checked out, i have only had them checked by a doctor, who said that inner ear which effects balance apprently cant be seen without some sorta scan?

And like i said in the first post, when all first came on, and the doctors were telling me the lightheadedness was caused by my ear being blocked, i was fine about it and wasnt really worrying about it, it was only at the point of doctors telling me they dont know whats wrong with me that i started to worry and panic and think about it all the time.

this is what makes me unsure of what it is, i do belive that i have some anxiety, but as ive said none of the worrying or panicing came on until a couple weeks after i started feeling lightheaded. and even at the few times when im perfectly relaxed and not really thinking about it i still feel off balance.

im just not sure weather its the anxiety thats caused the lightheadedness or the lightheadedness thats caused the anxiety, but im really starting to get stressed out and p****d off with it all now been like this for about 6 weeks now and its completely unlike me, even when i dont feel that bad, i tense cause im expecting to start feeling rough cuz ive got that used to it, ive been to see a hypnotist and initaly that helped the day i got hypnotized, and most of the next day i felt fine, however i randomly went lightheaded for some reason and that seemed to bring it all back and put it back into my mind.

Does anyone have any experiance of bein hypnotized for this sorta thing? Like i said only been for the one session and it has helped a lil bit, however the hypnotist has said that the treatment he gave me is somthing that works slowly over a couple of weeks and will make me feel better bit by bit, which i do think im better than i was before this but im still not my normal self and am starting to worry that my normal self has gone and im gonna end up stuck like this forever.

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22-08-09, 23:58
Hi mk :D :hugs:

I am no expert hunny, but I think this has anxiety written all over it, I am not saying that in the first place there was nothing wrong with your ear, BUT, feel that this was a trigger for your anxiety to explode out, so to speak.

I can only go off what you have written and give you my oppinion.

The mind is a powerfull thing, it has ways in telling us that there is something that needs to be addressed, there is something that the mind and body is not liking, what that is, is NOT always clear when we become acute with anxiety, because when acute, our minds go into overdrive put 2 and 2 together can come up with 5 ( NOT anxiety, but somthing more sinsiter, something they are missing ALL negatives )

I do feel, that right now, present moment in time in your life, you have anxiety, BUT, feel, that going back to the docs and ask for MORE checks regarding your symptom, may help you move on a little,Look into your ears more, BUT in the mean time, while waiting to be seen, learn some relaxation stuff, larn all you can about anxiety.

I am not up on weed, but what I know is, it can effect are normal chemicals within our bodys and brain, the older we get, our bodys change and it can change its effects. Maybe when you came off it, your had a chemical inbalance, which in turn caused you anxiety, but your chemicals went back to normal, but by this time, you were in the vicouse circal of anxeity, Mmm just a thought hun.

I have had over the years a number of funny turns or dizzy heads, some where anxiety related some not.

I have had a middle ear infection, NO pain, I just felt I was being pulled to one side, at the time, I was not worried, thought it was funny really, BUT, got scared when walking with my daughter in the pram and I had NO control of where I was walking, I walked into the road :ohmy: Lighthead, dizzys, is a very common symptom of anxiety.

This is what you have written hun

**am starting to worry that my normal self has gone and im gonna end up stuck like this forever.**

Please hun, DON'T do this to yourself, your going to make yourself worse, TAKE control, GO BACK the gp, if this is the only symptom you have, talk to your gp, let him say what it is. They CAN'T keep saying they don't know what it is without doing further invesagating.

BUT hunny, this symptom can be anxiety, the above statment alone is what all anxiety sufferer say when they are acute, including me. I thought I had a brain tumur and other memeber on here could come up with a hell of alot more.

SO, if its not anxiety hunny, what do you think you have? Mmm, I bet your thinking worse case senario, your allready thinking its going to last forever.

Hunny, if you take a little control of what you have, go back to gp, read all you can about anxiety and how to help yourself, this helps hun.

We all know what your going through, we can help and support you hun, but you must try and take some control for yourself because when we have anxiety we feel out of control be sit thinking there is nothing we can do about this, BUT there is, start reading, go back to gp.



23-08-09, 01:20
Cheers for the reply

SO, if its not anxiety hunny, what do you think you have? Mmm, I bet your thinking worse case senario, your allready thinking its going to last forever.

thats the thing, i know im not dying and i know theres not anything seriously wrong with me, i never feel like im gonna pass out or anything like that, its just more annoying me than anything, i jus dont wanna allways feel lightheaded :) , and i dont really belive that im gonna be like this forever as ive got thru worse than feeling a bit lightheaded in the past, it just worrys me that its a possibility be since its dragged on so long, As i said i do feel like i have some control over it, as i can be fine at times and see parts of my old self showing up, but this isnt too often at the moment however, like ive already said ive been hypnotized and havnt actully paniced much at all since then, its just that im wondering when its gonna come back cause ive got that used to it happening thats gettin to me. It actully feels weird to not feel lightheaded at the moment cuz im that used to it

Basicly I do actully belive that i can be myself again and do realize im just being stupid about this, If i didnt feel lightheaded, i would be fine as other than that i dont really have any problems, i feel a bit sick sometimes but thats only usualy when im panicing and dont really worry me cause i know whats causing it, i have a docs appointment on tuesday and am gonna try sort this out, been going on way too long now.

As ive said before, im just not totaly convinced i have full blown anxiety as i can be fine at times and even when im perfectly happy relaxed and not worrying about things i still feel off balance, i do belive i have anxiety to some extent, but on the other hand i think it would bother anyone if they felt rough and doctors couldnt tell them whats wrong with them, i have no history of this sorta thing and was a really relaxed calm person that never worries about anything (even at times when prolly i should have) up until this started.

I have a doctors appointment on tuesday and am gonna make sure somthin gets done about this one way or another, and find out weather its all in my head or not, if someone tells me i either have somthing wrong with me thats causing it, i can deal with that, or if someone can tell me theres nothing physicly wrong with me, and its all in my head i can deal with that aswell, its the fact that what ive been told so far is, firsty that it was down to my ear being badly blocked, then that it was due to a tooth abcess, then that it was due to the antibiotics i was taking for a tooth abcess, then the docs decided they didnt know what it was and wanted to do blood and urine tests which came back fine, was then told it might be cause of having my ear syringed and to leave it a couple weeks before coming back about it again, then that it might be labyrinthitis or a inner ear infection which would apprenly go away by themselves with time, jus want a straight answer, and the fact that i cant get one is whats bothering me, nothing else.

cheers for the replys

23-08-09, 02:03
Hi hun :D :hugs:

I can see your a man on a mistion, you are strong minded and know what you want. :yesyes: I can understand your frustration. I have been in a situation with a family memember with something wrong and NO ONE, GP, specialist, could come up with an answer, after a very long time we went private, I was at my wits end, we did finally get the answers.

I can aslo go on to say that my friend went through something the same with her hubby, not getting answers, when something was wrong (long story, will not go into that ) but will just say, that in time, they got there answer.

I know its dame hard for you right now,:hugs: not having the answers for what you have, BUT, in time hun the answers will come, I feel, YOU will see to this yourself.

This syptom you have CAN beanxiety related, hence all the replies you got.

Please let us know how you get on.

YOU TAKE CARE and go get your answers.


23-08-09, 03:03
cheers for the reply again, and i am pretty sure its just the fact that ive spent too much time thinking about this thats getting me so stressed about stuff and i know ill prolly get thru it eventully.

anyways i wouldnt mind hearing some sorta feedback from someone thats been hypnotized for this sorta thing and what effect it had on them as im considering having some more sessions in a couple weeks.

also has anyone tryed kalms or somthing similar, as i have no interest in taking anything chemical and/or addictive or anything like that mostly as i dont think i need it and for obvious addiction reasons. ive ordered some kalms just wondering if anyones found em any use cheers

23-08-09, 04:31
I've never heard of Kalms; it's probably an English product?
I looked it up though and it looks like the main ingredient is Valerian root.
According to wikipedia, "Few adverse events attributable to valerian have been reported." I think it's somewhat similar to Benzodiazepines but a lot less strong and not addictive. It sounds like those Kalms could help for short term anxiety; I wish I had some! :)

And the rest of the stuff in them sounds pretty natural as well.

23-08-09, 10:32
i refused point blank to take any antidepressnats. I did try calms and didnt find they helped me but to be fair i was in a real state at that time and my mind was so out of control and scared of medication i felt dizzy as soon as i took them but i would of felt dizzy if i had taken a smartie and been told it was a pill. Give them a try you have nothing to loose. Alot of people use bachs flowers remedies im giving them a try now

23-08-09, 12:23
If its any help, last year I went to the docs thinking I had vertigo or another ear infection cause of the slight feeling of unbalance. It turned out I had anxiety n panic and no physical problems with balance. I was but on tabs for my panic and once that cleared up my balance was fine.

23-08-09, 12:52
Cheers for the replys, i will give the kalms a try, as i think what i have is pretty mild so it could help, and panic33, are you still taking these meds or was it a short term thing? Main reason i think this is down to my ear is cause, the first time i went to the doctors, i had a blocked ear, doc said it was so blocked they couldnt see down it and i saw the huge ammount of wax that came out after i got them syringed, so that cant be in my head, and surely there must be some sprta problem with my ear if its getting that blocked up but who knows ill jus have to see what use the doctors are on tuesday

24-08-09, 23:15
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site. As you know, there are times in our lives when things don't go quite right, so at these time,s which are very few and far between, I do take calms and find them helpful.

You are going through a stressful time at the moment, taking the Kalms will help take the edge off things.

Please let us know how you get on at the doc's.