View Full Version : Infected Tooth... Yikes.

22-08-09, 03:58
Hi everyone! I have an infected tooth in my mouth and it's starting to freak me out. I'm afraid the swelling is going to get so bad that its going to go down my throat and close it shut, or the infection is going to get into my blood, and make me even more sick. I'm spinning scenario after scenario in my head. I'm trying to do something to take my mind off of it, but I can feel the swelling everytime I swallow. I hate it!


22-08-09, 09:08
Ouch, and completely sympathise. If it's infected then have you got some antibotics for the infection, it's amazing how quickly that can kick in :)

22-08-09, 10:08
im a dental nurse and ragna is right you need to see a dentist to get some antibiotics and then once the infection is gone get that tooth sorted out

22-08-09, 13:06
i get a infection all the time in my tooth i hate dentist so i dont go it goes away by itself in a few days i dont recommed that but it wont do u no harm either my absses has been there for years.

Cell block H fan
22-08-09, 13:54
i get a infection all the time in my tooth i hate dentist so i dont go it goes away by itself in a few days i dont recommed that but it wont do u no harm either my absses has been there for years.

Blimey how do you stand that? My son had an abcess a few months ago & was in agony! We opted for the tooth to come out, once he had been on anti biotics for 5 days, instead of root canal as he has a fair few teeth the dentist said, & wouldn't miss it at the back there.
Ive never had one, but ive heard it can be the worst pain ever, along with ear ache?

22-08-09, 13:57
I have just got over the same thing. I had an infected wisdom tooth, the infection spread to my tongue and throat, i felt congested and run down, after a week or so of using this gel the dentist gave me, it started to disappear, i have to go to the hospital and be put to sleep while they take it out, (gum and bone!) and just when im dealing with that, the tooth on the other side of my mouth has started playing up! lol
Don`t worry yourself too much, im always getting infections as i grind my teeth so badly and i have 2 wisdom teeth that are impacted. Just go to your dentist, get some antibiotics or gel, you`ll feel better soon. :)

22-08-09, 15:55
i have got gum disease and it is spreading i feel like i have alump of something stuck in my throat since april i also had a car accident in april and they ay it is my teeth not from the car accient there isnt a day that goes by since april i hav enot had panic and anxiety but i am getting no where with docs and everytime he pulls a tooth out he makes the infection worse but then i go on anti biotics and get back to the lump feeling in throat i have no idea what is causing it wether its me the tooth or car accident but i am still here so ge tto ur local dentist and get it sorted i hate dentists but it has got to be sorted because a mild tooth ache can get worse believe me i have had them bedly and still got them i wouldnt even go to dentist and now i have had three teeth out since then

22-08-09, 21:14
Blimey how do you stand that? My son had an abcess a few months ago & was in agony! We opted for the tooth to come out, once he had been on anti biotics for 5 days, instead of root canal as he has a fair few teeth the dentist said, & wouldn't miss it at the back there.
Ive never had one, but ive heard it can be the worst pain ever, along with ear ache?

i dont get pain just swelling and it goes numb

it does have to come out just to scared

23-08-09, 04:40
Thank all of you for your responses. It makes me feel so much better knowing you all are out there to help me through these problems. My swelling went down today, thank goodness. Found a past antibiotics prescription and took one. Seems to be helping. I go to the dentist on Monday, which is also my 30th birthday. Yay! What a fun day. Getting old, and a tooth pulled. :wacko:

Have a great day everyone. Thanks again!

23-08-09, 10:39
Happy birthday toooo yooooouuuuuu

23-08-09, 16:14
Thank you!