View Full Version : Rib Pain.

22-08-09, 11:42
Haven't posted for a while as I has sort of kept my health anxiety under control a bit but last week I started getting pains like trapped wind under my right ribs and then it seemed to move to my middle stomach but now it's back in my ribs again. It's much worse when I sit down at the computer than it is when I'm stood up. It feels like my ribs are sort of inflamed if that makes any sense. It's not really really painful or anything but it's there and it's worrying me because I do have a huge cancer phobia.:weep:

I'm 46 too which is also a worry because I know you are more prone to getting cancer the older you get.:weep:

I was diagnosed with acid reflux and the doctor gave me omaprazole last September and everything was okay again - well until I got a breast lump and started worrying myself silly over that.:unsure:

I have noticed that I seem to get these sort of things when I get really stressed and I was stressed last Friday night because I had a huge row with my daughter and got really upset but surely it should have gone by now?

So does anybody else get pain under or in their ribs with acid reflux?

I'm being good and not googling because I know I will end up even more scared. We are going to my sisters for tea later and I don't fell like going but I know I have to.


22-08-09, 12:13

It is just your health anxiety trying to get the better of you and I am sure you already know that. You even say yourself that you seem to get these things when you are stressed.

Acid reflux can cause all sorts of pains around the chest and ribs, so please be assured that this is all it will be.

22-08-09, 13:05
Thanks Utility.:hugs:

I know it makes sense but with this stupid health anxiety you always fear the worst don't you.:blush: My other daughter was ill also last week and it seemed to be carrying on for longer than it should so I was worrying about that too so maybe that's helped it to go on a bit longer. She's fine now though thank goodness.

Thanks again for you reply.:hugs:

Cell block H fan
22-08-09, 13:30
Haven't posted for a while as I has sort of kept my health anxiety under control a bit but last week I started getting pains like trapped wind under my right ribs and then it seemed to move to my middle stomach but now it's back in my ribs again. It's much worse when I sit down at the computer than it is when I'm stood up. It feels like my ribs are sort of inflamed if that makes any sense. It's not really really painful or anything but it's there and it's worrying me because I do have a huge cancer phobia.:weep:

I'm 46 too which is also a worry because I know you are more prone to getting cancer the older you get.:weep:

I was diagnosed with acid reflux and the doctor gave me omaprazole last September and everything was okay again - well until I got a breast lump and started worrying myself silly over that.:unsure:

I have noticed that I seem to get these sort of things when I get really stressed and I was stressed last Friday night because I had a huge row with my daughter and got really upset but surely it should have gone by now?

So does anybody else get pain under or in their ribs with acid reflux?

I'm being good and not googling because I know I will end up even more scared. We are going to my sisters for tea later and I don't fell like going but I know I have to.


The only time ive had the twinge under the ribs is after ive had a night on the tiles! Vodka, thats the culprit for me to be honest! I'm sure thats not a good sign, but ive had a couple of people say they had the same after drinking alcohol, so I just put it down to that. Was a few years ago I got it most, & i'm still here! :)

What was the breast lump by the way?

22-08-09, 14:46
It turned out to be a cyst thank goodness but my anxiety was sky high the day I had to go to the breast clinic and have mammograms and ultrasound. Fortunately they told me the result the same day which was fantastic.:)

The consultant who was a lady and really nice, drained the cyst there and then.:)

Cell block H fan
22-08-09, 18:29
It turned out to be a cyst thank goodness but my anxiety was sky high the day I had to go to the breast clinic and have mammograms and ultrasound. Fortunately they told me the result the same day which was fantastic.:)

The consultant who was a lady and really nice, drained the cyst there and then.:)

I had that done when I was 24, after I stopped breast feeding my son, I ended up with a blocked milk duct, it seemed to turn into puss, because I was sent for an ultrasound scan & they jabbed a needle in & drew it off, it didn't get rid of it completely, so my regular Gp drained the remainder off. But I swear ive got scar tissue from it, as its never felt totally flat since.
But at the time I was worried sick, even the health visitor was banging on about weather it had been there for a long time & maybe I hadn't noticed it :lac: she helped me loads...not lol