View Full Version : headaches

22-08-09, 13:50
Hi all. i am a headache sufferer anyway, i get quite a few, but since ive been suffering HA, depression and general anxiety, im getting more than usual. This week ive had constant headaches, one after the other, they arent really bad more niggley, the usual place is along my forehead, above an eye, and sometimes along the side of my head and i get a pressure at the back of my head. My HA is quite high at the moment so im starting to worry the headaches r a sign of something more sinister!! As soon as i wake up in the morning its there and then my mind starts racing.........etc etc etc, then panic sets in. Im so fed up, anxious and tired of worrying now. So i guess my question is does anybody else get headaches often???? And should i be worried about getting them so often??? Sorry for a long post!! Any reassurance much appriecated. Debs xx

22-08-09, 14:32
i got terrible headaches. They would be there in the morning when i woke up give over a bit in the middle of the day and be back by tea time. I starting taking parecetomol every day for them untill i happended to mention to my councillor i had been taking the pills every day for 5 weeks and she told me that too many parecetomol can give you headahes. So i stopped taking them got a nice back massage made sure i was relaxing my shoulders and after 3 days they went. I just get the normal headache like everyone else now

22-08-09, 14:57
i get headaches all the time too but they must be just stress - i am going to see a neurologist about it though. Even though im thinking that is madness and will make my obsession worse. i have become so 'mad' i dont even know when i have a headache and when i dont anymore if that makes sense!

22-08-09, 14:58

I get headaches that sound just like yours, I have put up with them for years but lately they seem to be worse as you say so off I went to doc worrying there was an underlying cause.
I get the pain where you say your is........... Dr said it's just tension and stress through this anxiety, so though they are frightening with the intensity of the pain she said they are nothing to worry about.

Hope i have set your mind at rest a little.:)

22-08-09, 16:38
thank you for the replies. Thank you Nanny, you have put my mind at rest a little. I will try and relax more and not concentrate on them so much!! thank you all again. Debs xx

22-08-09, 17:07
As NHS direct said to me "if you take 2 paracetmeol and an ibuprofen tablet and the pain does not clear up in a few hours, THEN see a GP or call us back imediately".

Good advice and mine shift within that time, best to have ibuprofen 500mg in the house to help boost the properties of the paracetemol, as long as your not allergic.


22-08-09, 22:22
My girfriend has some constant headaches, which her gp put down to clustered migraines, so now shes on some tablets, which I can't remember the name of, to take one at night time that are working after two days.

If it continues maybe go see your gp, or if you're due, see an optician.

22-08-09, 22:47
hi cons - the advice that nhs gave you could be a bit frightening for some people who get bad but non serious headaches - if i followed that advice i would be constantly on the phone to my gp!

i consider myself to be somewhat of a headache expert. i have suffered with them from a small child but when i started with anxiety - i had a migraine that i could not get off the sofa with for 3 weeks - this turned into a constant headache and i literally had it to some degree for over 3 YEARS! I was under the headache clinic for that time and although they are much better - i still get a slight headache most days and go through patches where they are quite bad. it is down to muscle tension/genetics/stress levels etc unless you get other symptoms such as weakness/vomiting (not associated with migraine) etc then i would not worry.

22-08-09, 22:55
You are the same as me then, surely you should be on pure oxygen, 15L through a non-rebreathable mask. My neurologist diagnosed me with cluster headaches and i refused tablet meds as they all had horrific potential side-effects. With pure oxygen at the rate i specified, within 20 minutes im relaxed and pain free.

Headaches expert eh? i know what you mean though, have you been to a neuroligist? ruled everything out?

Take care :)

23-08-09, 03:47
I consider myself a fellow "headache expert", having been phobic about headaches for about 10 years now. I'm surprised that the nhs would give that advice - it is a particular characteristic of tension headaches that they don't actually respond to panadol or ibuprofen - a fact to which I can attest :).

I have almost constant headache, with varying degrees of intensity. I recently had an MRI and a CT scan which was clear. It's amazing how much your head can hurt without it being dangerous...damned anxiety!

Though as Con said, it wouldn't hurt to see a GP if you haven't already!

23-08-09, 09:45
hi - i haven't had an mri scan or anything like that but doc says i am fine - i don;t bother mentioning my headaches now to be honest and its about 5 years since i signed off from the clinic. i was diagnosed with migraine/tension headache. i did have an x ray on my sinuses and i think i had a ct scan.

i used to be phobic about getting them - terrified all day every day that they would get worse but now i am much more relaxed and live my life alongside them.