View Full Version : Swineflu has taken over my house.

22-08-09, 15:30
Sooo, like 2-3 days ago my little brother started to snotter and cough. My dad started to snotter about a day later, my little brother is now remaining sick at home from work. and im also starting to cough & Snotter.

I'm not extremely worried really, although I would just like to ask if this are signs of swineflu.

Other then a bit of an itchy cough & a runny nose I have this weird feeling in my chest, a bit of a nausea feeling, it seems to feel like chest tightness.

Anyone that has experienced this swine flu that knows if the feelings are similar to the ones I described?

22-08-09, 16:12
3 of us have had it at work ( well thats what my doc says i have had but im not 100% sure ). My symptoms were high temp, aching boby, feeling sick, a headache and a bit of a sore throut and a bit of a dry cough oh yea my eyes hurt. In uk we have a help line dont know abiut any other country. I was offered tamiflu because 1 i have a medication phobia and 2 i thought what if it isnt and i take the pills and then get it in a few weeks and cant have the tamiflu if i need it then. It was just like flu but i have had worse flus but then i think i got mild symptoms and i have no health concerns. Have been stuck in this house since monday but doc says i can go out tommorrow

23-08-09, 01:38
The main symptoms that are 'specific' to swine flu are one or both of:

- High temperature (38C or above)
- Body aches, often including backache

Kraggy, from what you've written in your post, it suggests a cold, not flu or swine flu.

23-08-09, 11:05
Hrmsh I do not have a raise im temperature nor alot of body aches indeed, Heh I guess its just a normal cold then, which is alot more pleasant, I hope xD

23-08-09, 20:28
If it hasn't turned into anything else by now, then I'd be pretty confident that is is a normal common cold. :)