View Full Version : I Feel Fat!

23-08-09, 03:45
Hey guys,
Im 14 and lately, the past 2 or 3 wks or so I have been feeling really fat and bloated. I haven't been swimming with my team 5 days a week like I normally do, but I have been going to the gym for 45 mins at least every other day.
So here are my symptoms:
Peeing a lot
Soft Poop, (almost dirrehea?)
Less enthusiastic to move
Gassy feeling in my stomach (like I can't fart or burp)
I don't know what this is. I'm trying to get my digestive system on track by eating greek yogurt that has good bacteria in it, but its not working. I also am scared because all these symtoms point to pregnancy, which is my biggest health anxiety obsession. My mom doesn't know I am terrified of pregnancy, but she knows I'm obsessive over something and is worried. I have NEVER had sex or a boyfriend in my life so there is zero chance of me actual being preggo, right? I mean, I heard that if sperm gets near the womens vagina, she can get pregnant, even with clothes on, so is it possible I got sperm on me without knowing it? I have 11 and 12 year old brothers who have friends and a dad. I had a funky period, last period, but my mom says that happens to her. I also bled a little in mid cycle, but my mom says that happened to her too. But what if it's implantation blood?! SHOOT I'M A 14 YEAR OLD VIRGIN! I am SO WORRIED! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?!! I am NOT looking at google or yahoo/wiki answers or crap like that. I feel safest here. So...help? Thanks!:)

23-08-09, 10:23
Firstly, don't worry, your not pregnant, i have been through the same thing, i was too scared to use the bath encase i accidentally got pregnant. But its pretty much impossible for it to happen, given that your a virgin, its likely the hymen would get in the way anyway.
HA and stress and obsessing over pregnancy, CAN give you these symptoms, but it could be anything from a stomach bug, to just your period playing up. If you haven't been having them long, they can be irregular and spotty, if your worried, I would say see your GP.
I could even just be a slight food intolerance..

23-08-09, 16:26
if your stressing so much about being pregnant (which you r definatley not) the stress can play havoc with your digestive system, and you could experiance all the things that you are suffering. When im anxious, nercous or worried about things i get all the feelings you do. So try not to stress to much (easier said than done i know) and hopefully you will find the symptoms will subside abit. take care, debs xx

23-08-09, 17:07
Thank you so much Deadgirl and debs180! I remember reading an article about an Egyptian mother that insisted her 13 year old daughter got pregnant by pool, and everyone was ranting about how fake and dumb it was, but it sounded like something I'd freak out about. Showers, lakes, ponds, baths, bed sheets,chairs that felt warm, you name it! And I had no idea stress could do that to your body! My mom wants me to start taking meditation classes with her, which I think should help a lot. Thanks for the feedback! You guys rock!