View Full Version : afraid of death

10-10-05, 13:33
hi everyone

Is there anyone who can help me to stop thinking of dying. I know it the one thing, that is at sometime going happen to us all. But I get up thinking of it and go to bed thinking about it. HELP PLEASE!!

10-10-05, 13:42
hi ingy ,dont worry about dyingok , easier said than done , but its all mind over matter, i have horrid thoughts too but i really try to bloke them out by thinking positively.....pm me if you wanna ok

10-10-05, 13:52
i seem to constantly think morbid thought and have done for many years in stages i can be really happy and then i remember that i will one day die
it feels like i live and have lived with this fear even before my anxiety i asked a nurse once and she said just dont think about it ( helpful) it really annoys me i dont want to spend all my life worrying so i can understand would like ideas also
dan ps sorry couldnt help ingy

10-10-05, 14:03
thanks for the reply

i know it is mind over matter, but sometimes it is as if i lose the ability to do that. over the weekend there was a man in or house who reads tarot cards and palms. he was mucking about reading others palms, just things like you will live till your 80s, long happy lives.he took mine and looked for a time thinking he was never going to speak, he gulped and said something about illness and 40s and that was it. i know i shouldn t believe or dwell on it but easier said than done


10-10-05, 14:10
Its hardly surprising then is it that you're worrying so much . Think anyione at all would be the same.

Genuine tarot readers etc stick to a strict code of conduct that this does not meet that so I would take the whole experience with a large pinch of salt.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-10-05, 14:20
oh ingy
i would too have worried even tho i truly think tarot is load of rubbish, in fact i went to a acupunturist who got out cards and it turned me off a little please try not too think about it
i am hopefully waiting for cbt and maybe some of the things they teach might help for morbid thoughts will let you no ( might be a long wait tho haha) feel free to PM we can work thr together is there anyone you can talk to , luckily my partner is great and i can tell him if i get scared and a cuddle helps however he is the first person i have ever spoken about this too till now so i no its hard to bring subject up
take lots of care and have happy thoughts
dan x

10-10-05, 14:43
thanks again for taking the time to reply

i have been seeing a cbt for a few months, so dan i know there are are two sides to every coin and it only depends on what side you choose to look at but they are good at making you look at morbid thoughs with some logic and simple straight forward thinking but the weekend just knocked mine of track...hopefully not for long or at best not so formost in my mind

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:19

I have had a fear of death since I can remember, it started with a morbid fear after my grandfather died when I was 7 and as my life became more stresful the fear got worse, it eventually led to me being diagnosed the the anixety, depression and the agoraphobia! It was not fun. I have lived with the fear ever since and although over the years I have had some good points to my life, in the last four years the fear has heightened.

You resent it! I know so do I, I would like to wake up one day feeling happy and content without thinking God is this the day!

Your not alone, trust me there are lots of us with this fear. I too have CBT which I have been using for 6 weeks now and she has told me that I will need at least one year of CBT to notice the changes in myself and I will soon be able to control the fears, but having had it so long its hard to imagine being semi normal! Hang in there and anytime you want to talk please PM me

Sue with 5


13-10-05, 17:48
Hi Ingy

I can read the tarot cards and one of the fundamental rules is that they are in no way able to predict the future. They are used to reflect on what is going on in your life at the present time. Any tarot reader worth their salt will tell you that. As for palm reading how on earth can you tell specific details about a persons life from a few creases in your skin! If they were looking at your life line they cannot predict your death, it is only supposed to represent how your life may vary. I bet if you went and did some sort of work that made the crease in your skin increase and you went back to them they would say oh you may die in your fifties or sixties now! Rubbish!

Think on if you might have mentioned that you have a fear of death to anyone else present that time, someone may have just been playing a cruel trick on you. Ignore them they are making it up to make themselves appear more important!

Lara x

14-10-05, 04:51
hi Ingy

I know that your not the only one who thinks and fears dying, i think most do, but some of us anxious people really dwell and worry with the thought. Even though we know that it will happen, we fear it. I too worry alot about dying, mainly because i feel i will miss out, and because i dont know what to expect, like none of us do, and its ironic we worry so much, our lives creep by and we miss so much happy times, it drives me nuts when i think of it like that. Anyway, just wanted you to know, that i understand, and i hope you learn to accept it, like we all do, if you need a talk message me a pm. Take care