View Full Version : Cough/Phlegm

23-08-09, 11:53
I have had a cough for a month now. Its not making me feel to bad and I don't cough all day but its really annoying me now. I went to docs and he said my chest is clear but I still cough up green phlegm sometimes and can feel it stuck in my throat and really bad blocked feeling at the top of my nose even though i can breath through my nose fine.
When I breath out through my mouth I can hear something there but really struggle to bring anything up.
I've had a course of antibiotics but they have had no effect.

Could this be something serious or could it be down to my hayfever being soooooo bad. My anxiety is going through the roof now and I'm convinced I'm going to die from it.


23-08-09, 12:18
Do you smoke? I've had the same since I started having panic attacks again but I think this is down to me smoking to try and calm down. I'm smoking 10 times what I normally do do to the panic.

23-08-09, 14:55
I have the same with terrible sinus pain, mucus and phlegms and I am 99% sure that it is because of smoking. I try to stop all the time because it makes me very sick in my respiratory system, but the anxiety gets wild after a few days off, then I relapse, calm down and feel better, but then the phlegms and sinus pain start again... Tobacco is deadly addictive, mostly for those who suffer anxiety disorders. If anyone knows of something that helps the respiratory system assuming that quitting is almost impossible (I try and try all the time, I tried at least 100 times in 10 years), please let me know.

23-08-09, 16:23

Phlegm and post nasal drip used to be one of my biggest problems, especailly at night time when laying down. I too suffer with hayfever and sinus issues, along with occasional nosebleeds from blowing to hard, but have found that by cutting down smoking from 20 to 5 a day has helped! I have also given up dairy products which seemed to aggrivate the problem. I was a cheese-a-holic and ate loads of yogurts. I now have a soya substitute, which takes a bit of getting used to, but does not produce the phlegm. I also use a non addictive, saline nasal spray called "Sterimar" which can be purchased from all good chemists. Regular use of this spray thins the mucus secretions and imporves the condition considerably!
I hope this may be of some help to you and trust you feel better soon.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-)

23-08-09, 20:06
HI, Thanks for your replies. I'm not sure if I'm more worried now though as I don't and have never smoked. Could this still be post nasal drip or something similar or could it be something more sinister? My chest feels tight even though I know its not on my chest.

26-08-09, 00:41
hi paul ..... these are my exact symptoms and i do not smoke either.... do have hayfever though , and yes a post nasal drip can cause you to be chesty often the "bunged up ness" of it all makes my ears sore too , it can produce symptoms similar to asthma believe it or not ... never found out what caused my year long hayfever prob house dust or something... now i know what it is as i have had it for years i do not let it worry me anymore hope this re assures you x