View Full Version : Can You Take Kalms With Fluoxetine

23-08-09, 13:25
hi i was just wondering if you can take the kalms tablets when on 20mg of fluoxetine,im going on hol abroad in a few hours & just wanted something to calm me down before i get on the plane but i dont know if i can take them together or not & left it to short notice noe to speak to my doctor. x

23-08-09, 13:32
That should be ok ,Ive taken them with Citalopram .Just take half the usual dose tho or it might make you feel too tired .Have a good holiday .Sue xx

23-08-09, 13:58
Hi I would speak to your doctor as I recently found out you can't take valerian (the anxiolytic ingredient of Kalms) with citalopram, and I assume you can't take it with any other antidepressant either.

23-08-09, 16:15
i contacted them about cipralex and they said know because kalms goive you a simular effect so i wouldnt recommend it, if you are concerned you could ask ur doctor he may even other you a safer alternative

freudian nightmare
23-08-09, 16:59
What about rescue remedy, it's meant to be good before tests and fear like of flying. Not sure if it interracts with anything but i know it's pretty natural and safe to use otherwise and it's quite fast acting unlike kalms which take a few weeks to work. I use it but i don't take medication at the moment so it might be worth checking before you try. Best wishes x