View Full Version : HELP!

23-08-09, 13:59
I am going to my bf's in an hour and a half an i am anxious about it today, but the last time i was fine, this time i have had a labyrinthitis episode so i'm not feeling great.

My mother won't be available to call if i have a panic attack...and this is worrying me.


23-08-09, 14:15

I know how worried you are , but as you said it was fine last time, you wont be alone, and if you do feel a bit off today , you know why that is happening, spend the time you have left before you go out, to settle down, relax, do some deep breathing and positive thinking, im sure it will work out fine. If you give up on going out today, you are giving into this anxiety, go for it, you will be really pleased with yourself later.
Let me know how it goes

P x:hugs:

23-08-09, 14:20
p is right u can do it and feel proud of yourself later,dont let it win

23-08-09, 14:55

If you give in and let the panic beat you, next time will be worse because you'll have justified the fear this time. Thats how the panic gradually gets worse over time - we fear something so avoid the cause, setting up yet more fear for next time.

Hope that makes sense :blush:
Feeling poorly isn't going to help either :)