View Full Version : need advice please

23-08-09, 14:43
i suffer with anxiety and im going on holiday tomorrow by coach and all ready im anxiouse my legs feel weak and arms is this normal

23-08-09, 16:08
Hi Tricia - it's great that you're off on holiday, that's an achievement in itself! All you need to worry about is that you have your cash/credit card and any tickets and documents. They are the only things that are important.

If you use any relaxation techniques, do some of these today and keep yourself busy. You can also do them on the coach, no-one will know. Think of the exciting things the week ahead will bring and have a fab time.

Kayro x

23-08-09, 21:07
Very normal,

take a 'calmer' if you have one, sip water or diluted juice and inbetween suck on a sweet. All will help.

Enjoy your hols :)

23-08-09, 21:11
thats normal hon xxx just anxiety doing its nasty little job ... have a brill holiday you are really doing well to go xxx

23-08-09, 23:02
Hi Tricia,

Its fairly normal to feel anxious before a big event but as sufferers we tend to blow it out of all proportion.

Have you thought of downloading a relaxation CD to an ipod to listen to on the coach?
