View Full Version : doctor 4 times in 3 weeks?

23-08-09, 16:46
Well, it will be four if I go to the appointmnet I've made for Wed - if I don't cancel. I'm so sure she'll be angry at me; she'll tell me she's got better things to do than talk to me? Thing is she's put me in touch with counselling at the Uni I'm going to in four weeks; and she said she would write a letter explaining my problems/background etc - she said she would do whatever to make things easier for me and family (we've all got problems :blush: ) but I'm not sure if she's still going to write it, and I would really like her to; it's taken me two years to be fully honest with her and I don't want to have to go through it all again with someone else! Do you think it'll be OK to go see Doc again on Wed, I'm so scared she'll be angry, or should I cancel and leave it? thanks :)

23-08-09, 16:52
If you feel like you need to go then go, my doctors moaned at me for being there 13 times in 8 months, but she was in a right foul mood that day, we all get them.

Would be best just to see how you feel come tuesday afternoon time, then if you feel you don't need it just call up and cancel, if not, just go, afterall you made an appointment to have her time, not just using up an 'emergency appointment'

23-08-09, 16:54
If you're not going for a medical reason and just want to check about the letter, how about phoning the doctor instead?

23-08-09, 17:04
yeah I think I'll phone instead; just say to reception can you ask if Dr ______ is still going to write the letter she referred to? And hopefully that will sort things out. Four times in three weeks is a bit much!

23-08-09, 17:13
thanks for advice :)

claire m
23-08-09, 18:27
hi daisycake i wouldnt worry so much about going to the doctors if you feel you need to speak to them or see them its your decision.
i have some health issues at the moment and i phoned or visited my doctor everyday for a whole week.
the last visit i took my husband with me and he said to my husband that he was refusing to examine me as he believed i was physically well and was more concerned about my mental health.
I know it seemed quite harsh for him to say it but i have a good relationship with my gp and have got to trust in what he is telling me.:)

23-08-09, 20:14
I know how you feel - I have anxiety just thinking about going to the dr. and if she's going to take me seriously. I have been about once a month this year at least. I guess I would call first - can you put yourself on a list to be called back by the doctor? That might make it easier for both sides. Good luck :)

23-08-09, 20:43
Your doctor will sympathise with the condition like mine does.

I was in nearly everyother day but from doing that i go about once every 2 weeks now as i have learned signs and symptoms to be mindful of.

Last visit my doc said to me "anxiety is awful for people, i know, i know".

Im sure most doctors have the same view. Its your health, our NHS, so use it.

Take care :)