View Full Version : his depression is back

23-08-09, 18:58
My husband has suffered with depression for many years. it hasnt all been bad and he seemed to getting better but now im pregnant he seems to have taken a turn for the worse and be back to his old ways of being very quiet and not wanting to talk .i know that i am hormonal and very sensiive
but i really need is support

im trying my best to help him but im finding it really hard

what i would like to know have alot of men on here sufferedwhen there partners/wife where expecting and if so can you give me advice on how i can help him

23-08-09, 19:18
in my family its the other way around and
if i were your husband - i would be trying to cuddle up with him, stroking his back and asking him what he wsould like to do together.

This way you might gain his openess. You have to cook the food that jhe really likes, and not to force him into doing anything. If you do it will only cause more tension.

Its the way i would have liked my husband to be...but he is not,,,he is making me feel guilty...

23-08-09, 19:36
Dear Nicola I would have a chat with your midwife as well as your GP and encourage your husband to go along to see your doctor. At the moment you need some support for yourself and your forthcoming baby. It would be wise to get some people around you early on who are able to help out if your husband is incapable of helping when the baby is born. When I was pregnant I found local NCT classes really good as you get to know a small group of mums to be really well. I expect that you have tried to analyse your husbands feelings maybe of jealousy or not being the centre of attention or the new baby being a threat to the intimacy of your relationship? Does your husband suffer from seasonal depression? If he is already on medication then maybe he should be seeing his psychiatrist if he has one? All I am trying to say is to line up some help and support for yourself now and for when the baby is born. It does not matter who helps you family or friends. The first few weeks after the baby is born are quite traumatic if it is your first pregnancy. Hopefully this episode of depression that your husband is experiencing can be nipped in the bud before it gets any worse. I hope things work out for you.

23-08-09, 20:25
thankyou for your help and advice i will give it ago with his fav food but sadly he has never really been a very open person when it comes his feelings he would rather keep it all shut inside until he explodes over somethng very silly . he is also not a very kissy cuddly sort either bt i think most men are like that but i will give the other stuff ago thnkyou