View Full Version : Anyone Know the Causes of Nausea? (Not Pregnant)

23-08-09, 20:09
Hi, I've been having a bad bout of nausea today which has cranked up my HA. I have been diagnosed with IBS in the past. Somehow I start questioning whether this is caused by IBS though? I am a 37-year-old otherwise healthy female. I am definitely not pregnant but I can get nauseaus so easily, like if I wait too long between meals or don't eat the right breakfast or drink too much coffee or take vitamins on an empty stomach. But sometimes seemingly no cause at all. Eating doesn't really help it or it gets better and then returns after awhile again. I get heart palpitations from stress/axiety every once in awhile so then I start to imagine that I have some kind of heart condition that hasn't been discovered yet. Does anyone know about this? If there are any experts out there on nausea and if it could be related to someting dangerous, I would appreciate your advice (or putting my mind at ease). I want to stop imagining that I have a secret heart condition!

24-08-09, 10:31
Nausea is a very very common symptom of anxiety, nearly every anxiety website would confirm this, me and my boss both suffer from anxiety and when we have both had a very anxious bad day the day after we both feel sick as a dog!

As long as you are not actually vomiting i doubt there is anything to worry about.

I am sure i have seen a few threads on this subject before on here, have a search for it, its very common :) xx

24-08-09, 12:36
Nausea, with or without vomiting, is a miserable feeling. Often, treating nausea means fixing the cause of the nausea. However, there are some things you can try regardless of cause. There are several common causes of nausea. Most causes of nausea either involve the gastrointestinal tract or are triggered by feelings of dizziness. It's important to identify what is causing nausea in order to relieve it.

24-08-09, 13:14
i am ALWAYS nauseous when i am anxious or depressed
This is one of the main FIRST symptoms for me.
There is nothing that makes me sick above from - car sick.

So I would suggest you are haveing an anxiety bount - unless you have any other symptoms suggesting that you might have something else...

24-08-09, 14:48
No, the nausea seems pretty isolated so I'm guessing from what you all have said that it is due to anxiety. Funny, I never knew nausea was related at all to anxiety, but then again I have not done extensive reading on all its manifestations - just know what I know basically from this forum. Thanks so much for your advice and if anyone else has any, thanks in advance. :)

25-08-09, 09:55
Nausea is actually a very common effect and side-effect of many, many different illnesses and drugs. Even breaking your leg can make you feel nausea. However, usually with nausea there are other symptoms present that can help you pinpoint exactly what it is. Try focusing/concentrating on different parts of your body at the same time you feel sick again. Start with your feet and move upwards. Notice anything at all? It could be connected. It may not actually be anxiety at all.

Palpations are an abnormal awareness of your heart beat. It can be a very benign warning that you should change something like drink less caffeine or alcohol. It can also mean something more worrying. If your palpations are worrying you and there is no noticable cause you should see your doc. Palpations are easily treatable with prescription drugs.

I am not an expert but I did suffer from anxiety related palpations which have since been completely cured with drugs.

25-08-09, 13:57
Anxiety is the culprit for me - every time, unfortunatly I even make my self so worried that I throw up. I have little interest in food...usualy lose a few lbs...but as soon as I get on the right meds everything gets back to normal!

28-08-09, 22:33
Nausea is pretty much the worst symptom I've had.

I don't know for sure about the actual cause but my GP reckoned it's to do with the way anxiety causes the stomach to produce too much stomach acid. Tried me on Ranitidine to sort that but it didn't work. Then switched to omeprazole (after at this point getting stomach pains) and the stomach nausea has gone away.

I get what I call "head nausea" sometimes which is the kind of thing where you feel like you're going to be sick due to a dizzy, swimming or foggy head. Much like a hangover, but I get this from anxiety I think.

30-08-09, 06:52
Is it close to "that time" of the month? PMS can cause nausea.. any hormonal change can. I started getting mild "all day" nausea the day before and/or the first day of my period when I was about 28 (I'm 30 now and I still get it from time to time).

I know others already mentioned anxiety as a cause, but I wanted to add another vote for that too.

30-08-09, 21:41
dose anyone suffer from heartburn,due to panic attacks,i started getting to much heartburn,since my panic attacks.