View Full Version : I used to be a woman on a mission, but now im so depressed.

Granny Primark
23-08-09, 21:29
Ive always been able to cope. Strong willed woman with equally strong views.
House proud, very opionated and would always speak her mind regardless of who it hurt. (sorry to say)
The last few weeks I cant be bothered to do anything.
My sense of humour has gone!
Along with that so has my appetite. But thats a good thing cus il be able to borrow my daughters clothes!!!!!!
My son has at last come back in my life after 4 years but its caused so many probs. I love him him dearly and also his family.
But because of his relationship with my daughter its caused havoc in mine and me hubbys life.
Im constantly ringing samaritans cus i dont want burdon my friends.
Ive had my meds changed at the docs on Friday so im hoping in the next 2 weeks il begin to feel better.
But at the moment I cant see the light of the tunnel.
I wake up but dont want open my eyes and face the day.
Gone are the days when I cared about my appearance.
Im just hoping that if and when my new meds kick in they will help.
I need be a support to my hubby and kids but I just cant see that happening in the forseeable future. And that really worries me.

23-08-09, 21:42
you sound like your having a real rough time at the moment bless you. Families are funny things i think we all imagine families like the waltons but there seems to be more upset caused by families than anything ( i know my family and inlaws have caused me great heart ache over the year ). I hope the new meds help pm any time
take care

23-08-09, 22:16
Hi Granny,

ive spoken with you in chat before and just thought i would remind you that this is just a temporary set-back. Strong willed people like us always have the fight if we lose part of our identities, its in our natures. Family issues are usually the most draining as we get hurt most by those closest to us, which you know already.

When i read about losing your sense of humour it reminded me of how i was before my daughter came down this week. Seems like i only come alive when she is around and i bounce back to 'the old me'.

Head up and see how the new med is for you,

keep fighting :)

23-08-09, 22:30
You like myself are a strong willed woman. It's we that suffer the most because as 'strong' people we are unwilling to ask for help when things begin to get too much. Instead we carry on trying to keep everything and everyone afloat.

I never ask for help unless I'm at rock bottom and even then I hate doing it and feel weak etc.

My doctor once told me that its the strongest minded, not the weak minded who suffer the most because we think we should be able to keep going under the most severe stresses that would knock most people off their feet at the first hurdle...... he also told me to give myself a break and let people deal with their own problems.

Is it possible to take a step back and think of yourself for once?

Sue xxx

24-08-09, 00:09
Hi Lynn

this is only tempory - hope the new meds work and you feel more like your old self soon. I believe that this happens to us for a reason and we learn something about ourselves or those we're in contact with which makes us better people. Just look on the positive side and concentrate on getting better

Take care


24-08-09, 09:13
Dear Lynn,
Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment. Yes, families can definately cause us a lot of heartache. I think most of us have been there. We love them to bits but of course that is what makes it so hard to take that step back. We want to make everything right for them and in so doing we can sometimes cause trouble between ourselves and our partners. (as you can tell, I had the same problem a few years ago).
I really hope the meds help you to feel a bit more positive soon. Ask for help and support when you need it. You can't do everything alone. Remember we are all here for you too.:hugs:

24-08-09, 16:33
Hi granny,you sound so down sweety,Im sure things will pick up for you soon.There is a light at the end of the tunnel hun.

You need some support to,you cant always be the one doing the supporting.Hopefully your meds will kick in and you will start to feel better.I know what families are like and how things can bring you down,but you need to think of yourself to.:hugs:

You have friends here to,so off load here if it helps.
Sending you a big hug hun.xxxx:bighug1:

24-08-09, 18:52
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: Lynn

Luv Kaz x x x:flowers:

25-08-09, 08:24
Don't worry you will be your old self again soon. I went through terrible depression and also panic and anxiety and it went away and I was back to my old self again.

Then two or maybe three years later "the present" I started having issues with bad sinus and it got me down and I am starting to regress somewhat but not like it was those years.

This too will pass.. Don't worry we are all here for you and you will be back up and going again ..

25-08-09, 09:05
Hi granny,

I think i am at the same place as you are at the moment.
And it kills us because we know that we can be so so strong and we have been. And here we cant resolve somthing that doesnt even exists and is not material!!!

I have been having better days definately just recently.
And even now when i am not myself totally, i try and look back 4 years ago...
The way i feel now is nowhere near i was 4 years ago.

I have better understanding of what and why is it happenening. And I also remember how good i felt after my relapse 4 months ago was gone...

I think that what we should stick to - thinking that was gne before and when we let it run thorough - it goes away faster.

I have had GAD for 3,5 years now and have been taking only 10mg of Cipralex for a year now.