View Full Version : just found this website - relieved or nervous?!

23-08-09, 23:03
Hi everyone,
As I was searching again for 'head shocks' i came across this website.
i was reading through the first steps page with a tear in my eye. have i finally found something i can put my symptoms down to?
For the last 4 years or so I have suffered from nausea, shortness of breath, tingling in my hands, a couple of panic attacks, and more recently head pains, extreme sudden dizziness, hot flushes and cold sweats.

A couple of years ago, I went to see my doctor with these symptoms, and he tested my oxygen level (i think that's what he did, he put something on my finger) and he said I was actually hyperventilating there and then. I had gone to the docs complaining (again) of nausea, and generally feeling unwell, when I felt nauseus, this lead me to panic, as I have a phobia of being sick, and so began the vicious circle.

I am only 23, so don't know if this is common in people my age. I am not sure there are any triggers when my symptoms come on, but I am a very deep thinker, and negative thinker. however, I am outwardly very confident.

any advice, I would greatly appreciate,

Thanks x

23-08-09, 23:29
im 23 aswell im always over thinking everything.i only found this site the other day and already its helped.i always thought i was confident but im not sure now.i have hot flushes and dizziness all the time and it upsets me.i dont know anyone personally who is our age and panics most of the people i know are older but there are lots on the site. take care

25-08-09, 01:07
hi i'm new too, i'm 20 & really glad i found this thread.
i get really dizzy alot, throw up alot recently and get lots of spaced out feelings. i thought some of this was due to epilepsy i am currently being diagnosed for or maybe to do with citalipram?
are either of you's two on it? x