View Full Version : again about sleep

24-08-09, 03:28
i am sorry to have to ask this again, pls help me i am so sickening sick of not getting enough sleep.

last night i am awoke abt 3 times interval, at 4am i woke up then sleep back again at 5.30am then wake up at 6.20am and now at work i feel a bit out of space.

can that cause me to be so giddy, dizzy, can't think, focus, so light headed, heart beating fast, so drowsy? and just can't walk. having heavy head, eyes blur, eyes pain, eyes poking pain, what is wrong with me. and my eye keep on twitching alot.

also i hv IBS i guess, i vomitted a bit tdy. and tummy ache a little. i feel havign to go to work tdy is making me so sick and bored, so i ate alot at 4.30am and ate a pc of cake, enjoying the cake becos i hv to go to work later, so sad miserable, so i torture myself by eatng that cake to feel good. am i mad?

i am always having this problem on and off.

25-08-09, 15:55
wow i really feel for you alba, i know you have a lot of issues with dizziness and fatigue.
first of all i know that the eye twitching is actually a result of not getting enough sleep, happens to me a lot and it happens to everybody if they dont get a full night.
second, i think the reason you're not getting much sleep in the first place, like me, is extended anxiety. i wake up several times almost every night, and usually still feel tired in the morning, as well as derealized and sore.
enjoy the cake! it might just be something to calm your nerves.
have you thought about seeking out a therapist for help or are you already with one?

26-08-09, 02:21
how to survive, i woke up at 4am last night and couldn't sleep back until now at work 9am only, got 8hrs more to go, i am so so sleepy, drowsy, can't open eyes, giddy, blury, eyes so blur can't read number.s help me, i am so sleepy ,eyes shutting down, brain not working, i am just staring at screen and want to fall alsoep.what shouldi do?i know it's tough today, can i make it

26-08-09, 02:22
how do u feel if not enough sleep? what should i do? i hate this.

26-08-09, 02:37
i dont sleep either,,i,ll not sleep till three or four then be awake again 7.30,,,ive been like this for years,,but then i dont have to go to work,,i couldnt operate if i had to do a days work without sleep

26-08-09, 07:21
don't know what to do, so so sleepy, drowsy, even i walk slanting, swaying sideway, why, my brain eyes all too sick. i hate this feeling then i am so angry, moddy, sickening of everything esp at work,now having bad headache, neckache, chest pain,.tightness,

26-08-09, 08:48
When I have issues with sleep I do many things, which include;

Changing the sheets, as getting into a fresh bed can be relaxing
Spraying Lavender in the room, on pillows ect
Not watching TV before bed
I have Radio 2 on in the background to sooth me and keep me company
I drink caffeen free tea so it doesn't keep me awake
Also I take four Natra sleep tablets before bed which encourage natural sleep

I hope some of these help.


26-08-09, 15:06
You seem to be getting worse Alba .I left a post about this for you last week ,as you didnt reply I thought you might not have seen it .Its the last post on the thread www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=541384#post541384 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=541384#post541384) Sue x

26-08-09, 16:20
Hi Alba!

I am finding that i get insomnia on and off and it is really bad at the moment. I first used to get this when i used to work night shifts and it feels like my body clock has not restored since. I feel that i can't sleep due to anxiety and the negative thoughts going round in my head. I am noticing i am getting worse as went to bed at 2 am and woke up at 6am and kept drifting in and out of sleep between 9 am and 12 pm. I am now worrying if i am able to sleep tonight as i know i have a 10 am appointment tomorrow and im starting aqua aerobics in the evening so do not really want to be tired tomorrow. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble sleeping as well.

28-08-09, 01:01
not ready can't sleep, it's want to sleep badly, i am always so so so sleepy each moment i don't know why, then i feel dizzy, giddy, light headed, heart bearting very fast, the problem is want to sleep so so much