View Full Version : shoulder and arm

10-10-05, 22:09
Hi all, just wondered if anybody had experienced a similar thing to this.
For the last few nights, but especially last night I have been awoken by a pain in my shoulder which goes down my left arm and could be in chest or this could be imaginary. (I dont get much sleep either so its a nuisance)
I have a rapid heart but it is OK as 24 hr ecg has shown this.
Probably just pulled a muscle but was really worried about it last night and had to get up to take painkillers.
It is there in the day but I dont notice it as much as Im busy, thanks guys.


10-10-05, 22:32
Hi Alexis,
Hope you're doing ok. I've had pains down my left arm before, they didn't wake me at night but I noticed them in the day. In my case it was muscles and nerves due to my neck and shoulders being so tight. I had chest pain too which scared me at the time.
It sounds muscular from what you say and the fact it's not so bad in the day. Could it be from the way you were sleeping? I woke recently with bad shoulder and neck pain just from sleeping funny. Maybe try some stretches of the arm or a warm bath. Do the painkillers help? If so maybe take them at night if necessary.
Take care,

10-10-05, 22:58
I have had pain in my chest and left arm and i alway's put it down it down my anxiety but it has worried my partner a fue times. Once O sucsessfully distract my self the4 pain go's away I just have to find something els to think about thats's keep my attenstion focus on that and when eva i think about the pain agaian I just start over again.

The more you think about it the more you feed the anxiety which is causeing it. Finding something off topic that makes you really happy is the best way to deal with it.

11-10-05, 11:46
Hi Alexis
I know exactly how you feel. I'm always suffering with pains down my left arm and feels like it's in my chest as well. I think Meg suggested stretching the arms when this happens and I have to admit it does help at time.
But it's a vicious circle, as soon as you get those twinges your mind goes into overdrive and you start panicking.
Try to relax as much as you can when it happens.
Take care

11-10-05, 12:43
I have this sometimes too Alexis. I have never been woken up by it but I have had it quite bad during the day and it's a nuisance. Just another symptom of anxiety..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

11-10-05, 13:47
Hi Alexis, gosh we are both 'in the wars lately' eh? I have just put the computor on to check out the very symptoms you describe, as i am sitting here, have pain in left breast/arm and now i think i can't breathe properly. Oh dear! what are we to do. I'm sorry i haven't re-assured you Alexis, and i know this sounds selfish (as usual) but you have now re-assured me!! does that make sense? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-10-05, 17:46
Hi Alexis,
How are you doing today? Hope you're doing ok and that the shoulder and arm are feeling better.
Lisa x

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:10
Hi Alex

Aw honey! thats sounds horrid, but rest assured chances are you are laying awkwardly and this means you might require a back and shoulder rub from hubbie just before you go to sleep, sometimes I get terrible tension in my shoulders and when I wake up I get awful pins and needles

Dont worry I am sure it will be fine! you know that it is not heart related because of the tests you have had.

Let me know how your feeling and I will speak to you soon

Take care

Big Sis


13-10-05, 00:04
Thanks guys for all your concern, I knew this was nothing really and as it happened the pain is now in my neck so I think that says it all, Sue, my hubbie is on permanent nights, so a bit difficult to get a rub and nobody else offers, that could be due to the fact I am still up at ridiculous hours anyway,
