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24-08-09, 10:10
Well im waiting for tests to confirm whether or not im havng mini strokes, and I am scared to death. I need to have an MRI in the next 2 weeks which im not bothered about as I have had one before.

I have to have a camera put down my throat to look at my heart and this scares me silly.

I am also scared that at any moment I will have a massive stroke even through the hospital doc has put me on aspirin and a blood thinner to prevent.

How can I stay positive through all this


24-08-09, 16:16
I dont know what to do - cant stop thinking that I am really ill and that im going to die soon

24-08-09, 16:20
HI!! Unfortunately I don't know much about strokes or mini-strokes. But, I do know what worry/anxiety can do to you....it is amazing! I want to say to you "stop worring" as everyone does to me....but I know that doesn't help! I wanted you to know htat we are here for you.....post as much as you need!! I'll keep checking on back for you...:bighug1:

24-08-09, 17:53

I had a similar experience a few years ago - i kept getting pins and needles down the left side of my body , mainly my face , hand and foot. I was convinced i was having small strokes. Eventually after a mri scan and a lumbar puncture i was told it was anxiety. Eventually the symptons went , but it took a long time.

24-08-09, 18:02
Hiya Amanda,

I had the same as pb too :( I spent weeks worrying waiting for the results and all was well! I really hope you don't have to wait too long for your results because it's all this waiting that's so hard isn't it.

You keep typing away on here and I'm sure you'll get some useful support from NMP.

Stay positive!

Wendy :hugs: