View Full Version : liver trouble???

24-08-09, 10:32
i have been really good lately with my HA, was on beta blockers and have came off them, i can rationalize things alot better than i used to be able to...and completly stopped googling, just looked on here for symptoms!!!
but last thursday, i got terriable back ache..sort of like period pains right across my lower back!! and im nowere near my period!! i couldnt bend with it, and it seemed to radiate to my stomache...( i think) it was really painful to sit in one posistion... but i had slept on sofa night b4!! i spoke to a neighbour and he said it could be liver trouble!!! obviously there i goes on high alert!!! i work in a school and have been off for the summer, so have found myself drinking quiet a bit!! (i had a lft that read 87 in april) now the pain is just in my right hip/ stomach and i made the fatal mistake of googling!!! and the answer was gall bladder cancer, and liver trouble!!! has any one else had this!!! i am so sorry for the long thread but wanted to include everything!! i dont want to go to docs and start my self off again!!!! because once he diagnoses that it will be something else, then just a slippery slope!!!! think i just need my mind putting to rest!!! :shrug:

24-08-09, 12:30
My young daughter started off with back pains when she had a urine infection. She was crying with pain so we took her to the doctors and he tested her urine and that's what it was. A few days of antibiotics and she was as right as rain.:)

24-08-09, 18:58

I had liver failure and it dident hurt!!!!

Symptoms were feeling ill all the time, swollen legs and ankles, no appetite, and vomiting:wacko:

Hope this helps and please leave Dr Google alone!!!!!:lac:

Luv Kaz x:)