View Full Version : my 2nd post..any comments welcome

24-08-09, 10:35
new to this site and after reading half the night have decided my bunch of probs covers health and social anxiety.mum and dad died suddenly when i was a teen trough seperate illnesses and its affected me so very much.i now am convinced i will die young and always ALWAYS think i have a serious illllness...im 49 have put up with this in secret ALL my life and now wanna fight back. my symptom at the moment is off balance dizziness,a tightness across my face and forehead,palpatations and surreal fellings..not all at once..not all the time.they come anytime anyplace wether im happy or sad.also i feel tho im married with kids and grandkids that no one wants to be close to me.i feel like an outsider and pretty much know no one really wants to know me.does anyone else feel as i do?

24-08-09, 11:54
HI annie, I felt so sad reading your post and I can fully understand how you feel. It is awful that you lost your parents so young and the issues this has left you with. I don't know whether your have ever had any counselling, but would suggest talking through your thoughts with a professional. Even when many people are around you can feel lonely and neglected. I feel that I am a bore and that I have nothing in common with others, even though I have a lovely partner and loads of grandchildren. I am sure you will have a lot to offer others if you could just get beyond worrying about yourself, but it is easier said than done. Your symptoms are typical of anxiety and not nice but with help from a doctor with perhaps some medication, I am sure you will improve. I don't know if this will be of any help, but just knowing someone else feels the same and has the same symptoms can help.:hugs: :hugs:

24-08-09, 12:16
Hi Dd.Thanks for taking time to reply.Over the years I have tried councelling hypnotherapy and some medication but to no avail.I know without doubt I have to work this through by learning to be rational.I have a terrible fear of doctors and waiting for the result of tests half kills me anyhow! I have the toughest of times at the moment as my daughter has just announced her first pregnancy and God am i worried.Every twinge spells ectopic pregnancy to me(crazy???)Of course she doesnt know how i am about health so that's ok,at least im worrying alone!
I know i have lots to offer other people,they just dont seem to relate to me im always on the outside of things..truly dont know what it is.
I could go on and on...
Thanks again
Annie xx

24-08-09, 12:33
Hi again Annie, If like me you have suffered with your "nerves" all your life, and I am 15 yrs older than you, then you will know the answers, BUT the problem is being positive all the time. I recently finished 9 months of counselling and at the end was determined to be more positive and tackle my issues, but it only took one day when I felt stressed and anxious as I usually do, to put me back to square one. Wouldn't it be nice if you could get so wrapped up in your daughter's pregnancy that you forgot to be poorly yourself, but due to our make up the HA prevents this. It is so great to hear that you have another grandchild on the way and I understand your fears for her pregnancy, but the odds against an ectopic are rare. Maybe you will relax a bit after the three month stage. Like you, I am on the outside of everything, I seem to have lost enjoyment and I feel such a failure, yet I know I am capable of being "with it", as I used to manage when I was younger. My ex used to tell me that I was capable of anything as long as I had a kick up the bum - I believe he is right - maybe we should both give ourselves a kick eh?:hugs: Do try and be kind to yourself and believe that you are useful and loved.